What are the three domains of supervision?

The activities of supervision are captured by three primary domains that may overlap: administrative, educational, and supportive.

What is the importance of supervision and how does it relate to the profession of social work?

Supervision involves talking through the impact the work has on you personally, as well as exploring decision-making. It is vital for practitioners’ well-being, professional development, and management oversight. Most importantly, supervision helps you to achieve the best possible outcomes for children.

What is the primary goal of supervision?

Two central goals of supervision are: (a) promoting supervisee developmental growth through teaching (i.e., enhancing the supervisee’s knowledge and applied skills), and (b) protecting the welfare of clients (i.e., making sure individuals the supervisee is working with are receiving high quality professional services).

What are the principles of supervisor?

The principles of supervision are awareness of similar methods, careful planning of supervision, regularity, and long-term duration. The special practices of supervision are varied methods, attention to the supervisees’ needs, and appreciation of the supervision process.

What are the 5 P’s of supervision?

The “5-Ps” identify Predisposing, Precipitating, Perpetuating, Protective, and Predictive Factors that each and every practitioner should know about a person’s life situation as a basis for developing a clinical case formulation, documentation, and work with a person.

What is the 4x4x4 model of supervision?

4x4x4 model This outlines four functions of supervision: management, mediation, development, and personal support. These are integrated with four types of supervision: experience, reflection, analysis and action planning.

What is the importance of supervision?

Supervision, enables the Coach to: Keep a questioning and reflective eye on the work that they are doing. Work with another to help them extend their perspective supporting the development of their own ‘Internal Coach’ Access support and challenge that is needed to help the coach continue to grow and develop.

What are the stages of supervision?

When I first wrote this chapter in 1996, I built it around a five-stage chronological model of supervision: assessment, contracting, engaging, evaluation and termina- tion.

What is supervision of instruction?

Supervision of instruction must be built on the observer’s thorough understanding and in-depth knowledge of instructional theory, not on a check list of what should be in a lesson. Gathering Data Three main sources of information help identify a teacher’s competency on the four SB 813 criteria.

What are the best books on supervision of instruction?

Glickman, C. D. (1985). Supervision of instruction: A developmental approach. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Good, T., & Brophy, J. (1987). Looking in classrooms (4th ed.). New York: Harper & Row. Joyce, B. (Ed.). (1990).

Why is the selection of instructional strategies a complex task?

Each strategy has a logical sequence which is necessary if students are to accomplish the objective of the lesson. Therefore, the selection of an instructional strategy is a complex task because there are numerous effective strategies that could be used, depending on the instructional goal.

When is direct instruction an appropriate method of instruction?

It is an appropriate method of instruction when the objective of the lesson is to teach facts, concepts, or skills. Examples of teaching strategies included in this family are direct instruction and contingency management.