What are the three boys dressed up as that Rob junior in Chapter 11 Halloween?

What are the three boys dressed up as that rob Junior in Chapter 11: “Halloween”? Ghosts.

Who Dies In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian?

sister Mary
Climax Junior experiences three tragic deaths in rapid succession, his grandmother, family friend, Eugene, and his sister Mary all die. For Junior, Mary’s death is the most traumatic.

Who Jumped junior on Halloween?

Later that night, Junior is trick or treating for spare change, and is jumped by three guys wearing Frankenstein masks. They spit on him and kick him and take his money.

What is Chapter 21 of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian?

Christmas comes and Junior’s Dad takes what little money the family has and runs off to get drunk. He comes back on January 2nd with a big ol’ hangover. He apologizes to Junior, who is pretty heartbroken about the whole thing. His dad, though, does pull a crumpled five-dollar bill from his boot and gives it to Junior.

Why does junior dress as a homeless man for Halloween What reason does he give Penelope?

Summary: Halloween She tells Junior that she chose her costume in order to raise money for the homeless. Instead of asking for candy, she is going to trick-or-treat for spare change. Junior says he’s wearing his costume to protest the treatment of homeless American Indians, and says he’ll trick or treat for change too.

What does Junior’s mom explain about the costume?

Junior’s Mom stands up. She tells Ted there’s nothing to forgive. Junior’s Grandmother was never a powwow dancer, never owned a powwow dance outfit, and Ted’s outfit doesn’t look Spokane at all. She says it looks more Sioux or Oglala, but she’s not an expert and neither was Ted’s anthropologist.

What is Junior’s real name?

For the rest of the novel, Junior’s white friends will call him by his official name, Arnold, but his Indian friends and family will call him by his nickname, Junior. As Junior tries to resolve his own internal contradictions, he also has to discover the rules of a strange new world.

What does junior learn by the end of the chapter?

What does junior learn by the end of the chapter? If you let people into your life a little bit, they can be pretty damn amazing.

Who was Mr Dodge?

Marcellus Hartley Dodge Jr.
Dodge in 1930
Born July 29, 1908 Madison, New Jersey
Died August 29, 1930 (aged 22) France
Parent(s) Marcellus Hartley Dodge Sr. Ethel Geraldine Rockefeller

Who is Penelope and why is she angry with Junior?

Penelope is the first Reardan student to speak to Junior, but generally ignores him until he discovers she is bulimic (a disorder that reminds him of his father’s alcoholism) and she ends up crying on his shoulder, beginning their “friends with potential” relationship.

Who tells Arnold to big dream big?

Which literary device is used in this passage when Arnold says, ” The rain cold and damp five dollar bill was a beautiful and ugly thing.” How tells Arnold, “you have to dream big to get big”? What is the significance? His father told him, the significance is that Arnold wants to join the basketball team.

What happens to juniors grandmother?

Indians today are intolerant, Junior says. His grandmother still does things the old way. But, Junior continues, his grandmother was just struck and killed by a drunk driver on her way home from a powwow. Her last words were “Forgive him.” Junior concludes that she meant the man who hit her.
