What are the symbols in A Christmas Carol?

The Ghost of Christmas Past, with his glowing head symbolizing the mind, represents memory; the Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity, empathy, and the Chri stmas spirit; and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come represents the fear of death and moral reckoning.

What does Marley’s chains symbolize?

It is a ponderous chain!” says Marley. Dickens uses the chains to warn Scrooge, and the readers, that the things you prioritize in life will be shackled to you for eternity.

How would you describe Scrooge and Marley’s relationship?

Answer: Scrooge and Marley are business partners and friends, as far as Scrooge could have a “friend”. They made a lot of money together but remained emotionally isolated from others. Scrooge was greedy and had a cold-hearted approach to life whereas Marley ( Scrooge’s equally greedy partner).

Who is Bob Marley in Scrooge?

Jacob Marley, fictional character, the deceased business partner of Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol (1843) by Charles Dickens. Marley’s ghost visits Scrooge on Christmas Eve at the beginning of the story.

How is Marley described in A Christmas Carol?

In life, Marley, like Scrooge, was a bitter, greedy and selfish man. When he died, he was cursed to eternally wander the earth as a decrepit spirit, forever burdened by a mass of chains that represent his accumulated sins.

What was Marley’s Ghost wearing?

Marley’s appearance warns Scrooge of his potential fate. “I wear the chain I forged in life,” replied the Ghost. “I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you?”

Was Marley and Scrooge a couple?

Jacob Marley is a fictional character in Charles Dickens’s 1843 novella A Christmas Carol, having been the business partner of the miser Ebenezer Scrooge.

How does Marley change Scrooge?

Marley is more relatable to Scrooge and hence acts as a warning to the possible suffering Scrooge may too have to endure after his death if he does not change his morose and misanthropic behaviours. In Stave four, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is described as a “phantom”.

Who killed Marley in Christmas carol?

He was killed by being squashed with a forklift nine times. The character is portrayed as an anthropomorphic cricket (ala Jiminy Cricket). In this adaptation, he is given an extra scene where Scrooge’s redemption frees him from his punishment. The role of Marley is taken by the spirit of John F.

What is Marley’s personality?

Role in the story. In life, Marley, like Scrooge, was a bitter, greedy and selfish man. When he died, he was cursed to eternally wander the earth as a decrepit spirit, forever burdened by a mass of chains that represent his accumulated sins.