What are the substage of prophase?

The primary oocyte undergoes the first three of the substages of prophase I (leptotene, zygotene, and pachytene) during late fetal life.

What is the sequence in the Substages of prophase 1?

So, the correct answer is ‘Leptotene→→ Zygotene→→Pachytene→→Diplotene→→Diakinesis’

What happens in Diakinesis substage?

Diakinesis is the final substage of prophase 1. In this stage, the homologous chromosomes move further apart, however, non-sister chromatids are connected via the chiasmata. Terminalization occurs as the chiasmata move towards the ends of the tetrad.

What is the main features of pachytene and zygotene?

Zygotene – Here the chromosomes start pairing and synapsis between homologous chromosomes begins. Pachytene – Here, the synapse is formed, by a chromatid of one pair attaching to the chromatid in a homologous chromosome and the crossing over begins.

What is Leptotene Zygotene pachytene Diplotene and Diakinesis?

The four stages are leptotene where the chromosomes align and prepare for recombination; zygotene during which crossing over takes place between the chromatids in the tetrad; pachytene in which these chromosomes now start to separate; diplotene, in which the chiasmata break down, and the pairs move apart, and finally …

Which of the following is correct sequence of sub stages in interphase?

Interphase is further divided into three phases, G1, S and G2. Hence the correct order of stages in the cell is G1 → S → G2 → M.

What process occurs during prophase I?

Prophase is the first phase of mitosis, the process that separates the duplicated genetic material carried in the nucleus of a parent cell into two identical daughter cells. During prophase, the complex of DNA and proteins contained in the nucleus, known as chromatin, condenses.

What happens pachytene?

During pachytene, each tetrad shortens, thickens, and separates into four distinct chromatids joined at the centromere. This is also the stage of homologous recombination, e.g. chromosomal crossover between nonsister chromatids. In sites where genetic exchanges occurred, chiasmata form.