What are the subjects in caregiver?

Senior High School Specialized Subject: Caregiving

  • Different stages of normal growth and development.
  • Basic Infant Care.
  • Signs of infants/toddlers’ distress.
  • Picking up and cuddling procedures.
  • Procedures in taking vital signs.
  • Procedures in bathing and dressing/ undressing of infants.

Is there a course for caregiver?

The American Caregiver Association (ACA) is the National Standard for caregiver certification in the United States, and this course is one of their most complete: Offering 120 hours of in-class credit, it covers dozens of caregiving topics, knowledge and know-how – from resident rights, caregiver communication, and …

Can a caregiver study nursing?

Caregivers can also further their education with masters and doctorate qualifications. One can enrol in a 6 month nursing course to further their careers or start as auxiliary nurses.

How much is the tuition fee in caregiver?


Total Tuition Fee Ᵽ 30,000.00
ID with Sling 200.00
Graduation Fee 1,500.00
National Competency Assessment NC II Fee 500.00

What strand is caregiver?

While the ICT strand focuses on technology, the HE strand focuses on livelihood projects such as caregiving, cookery, bartending, baking, handicraft making, tourism, housekeeping, dressmaking, and such. This strand will greatly help students find jobs immediately. These are the HE strand specializations you will get.

What are the three levels of caregiving?

Become a Caregiver – The Journey Involved

  • Stage One: Anticipatory/Expectant Caregiver.
  • Stage Two: Freshman Caregiver.
  • Stage Three: Entrenched Caregiver.
  • Stage Four: Transitioning Caregiver/Caregiver in Loss.

What is another name for caregiver?


  • carer,
  • caretaker,
  • guardian.

Is caregiver a profession?

Caregiving as a profession is still often not considered a “real” profession, even though it’s possibly one of the most socially beneficial and essential jobs someone can do.

What is caregiver Malaysia?

Caregiver Asia (M) Sdn Bhd – Caregiver Malaysia is an online aggregator of health and caregiving services that connects you with our professional caregivers. Caregiver Malaysia is an online aggregator of health and caregiving services that connects you with our professional caregivers. Book a Vaccination Escort with us now for your loved ones.

What kind of training do we provide for caregivers?

We provide courses for caregivers; professionals and home carers. Whether it is to build a career with our University-certified courses, or a one-day course to become a better caregiver for your family members, get the right training for you.

Do you provide courses for carers?

We provide courses for caregivers; professionals and home carers. Whether it is to build a career with our University-certified courses, or a one-day course to become a better caregiver for your family members, get the right training for you. For more information about our courses, kindly contact (Sabrina or Kehn) +6011 2741 8071.