What are the steps to remove an IV cannula?

First, gather the supplies, perform hand hygiene, and don gloves. Next, carefully loosen the surrounding tape and tegaderm surrounding the IV insertion site. Once the tegaderm and tape are loose, take the gauze and place over the IV insertion site. Then in one smooth motion pull out the IV cannula.

When do you remove intravenous cannula?

Your cannula should be replaced every 72-96 hours or removed by a nurse once venous access is no longer required (or earlier if a problem occurs). However, staff may have a valid reason for leaving the cannula in for longer; this will be explained to you on request.

What should you look for when removing a cannula?

To assess for bruising, look for a red/purple discolouration of a cannula, which may be associated with swelling and tenderness. Bruising should be treated by applying a pressure bandage to the area. If the cannula is no longer in the vein or ongoing bleeding occurs then the cannula should be removed.

Is removing cannula painful?

It’s normal for some patients to experience brief discomfort during IV insertion and IV removal. But other than that, having an IV shouldn’t hurt.

When do you remove the tourniquet during an IV insertion?

Once you have ensured the catheter is within the vein, untie the tourniquet before advancing the catheter to prevent it from blowing due to increase in pressure.

How long should cannulas be left in?

How long will the cannula stay in for? A cannula is normally used when access to a vein for your care is needed for less than 7-10 days. Your cannula should be replaced every 72 hours or earlier if there any signs that a problem may occur.

How many days should a cannula be changed?

The US Centers for Disease Control guidelines recommend replacement of peripheral intravenous (IV) catheters no more frequently than every 72-96 hours – ie every 3-4 days. Routine replacement is thought to reduce the risk of phlebitis and bloodstream infection.

What happens if you pull a cannula out?

Once your cannula has been removed there is a risk of infection getting into the hole in your skin. You can reduce this risk by keeping the area clean. If you notice any redness, pain and swelling following the removal of the cannula inform your ward doctor or nurse or your GP if you are at home.

How long does it take for a vein to heal after a cannula?

Blown veins require medical treatment, but they do not usually result in long-term damage to the vein and generally heal in 10–12 days. However, a blown vein can sometimes complicate medical treatment.

What happens if a nurse blows your vein?

Blown veins occur when a needle injures or irritates a vein, causing blood to leak into the surrounding area. In some cases, IV fluid or medication may also leak from the vein. Blown veins are usually not serious and will heal with treatment. A doctor or nurse may use pressure or ice to reduce any swelling.

When should you not flush a peripheral cannula?

Do not flush the cannula if thrombo-embolism is suspected. Seek medical attention immediately. Please see APPENDIX 5 for trouble shooting.

Can cannulas cause damage?

The use of cannula can occasionally result in complications which can be very painful and sometimes damaging. This is where good management and observation of the cannula site by medical staff is vital.