What are the standards of API?

American Petroleum Institute (API) standards advocate proven, sound engineering and operating practices and safe, interchangeable equipment and materials from drill bits to environmental protection. Included are manuals, standards, specifications, recommended practices, bulletins, guidelines and technical reports.

What is API standards for pipes?

API. As its name indicates, the American Petroleum Institute is an industry-specific organization that, among other things, develops and publishes standards for pipe and other materials used in the oil & gas industry.

What is the latest edition of API 6a?

21st Edition
Product Details: Revision: 21st Edition, November 2018. Published Date: September 2021.

What is API Spec Q1?

API Spec Q1 is a quality management standard for product manufacturers and is specifically geared toward the nuances of the oil and gas industry. API Spec Q1 meets many of the ISO 9001 requirements, plus additional elements deemed valuable by the oil and natural gas industry.

What are two API standards?

Today, there are three categories of API protocols or architectures: REST, RPC and SOAP. These may be dubbed “formats,” each with unique characteristics and tradeoffs and employed for different purposes. REST. The representational state transfer (REST) architecture is perhaps the most popular approach to building APIs.

What is the difference between API and ASME standards?

Another way to perceive this difference is that the ASME standards are the ones to achieve or design towards while the API standards are the recommended practices but that these practices are not legally binding whereas once the pressure system has been ASME certified the ASME certification is legally binding.

What is the difference between API 6A and 6D?

API 6D and API 6A are both standards used for Valves in the oil and gas industry. API 6D is standard or specification for valves in any pipeline, including rigs, platforms, skids and production plants. API 6A is standard or specification for valves used in wellhead and Christmas tree equipment.

What is API 6A standard?

API Spec 6A is an International Standard that specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the performance, dimensional and functional interchangeability, design, materials, testing, inspection, welding, marking, handling, storing, shipment, purchasing, repair and remanufacture of wellhead and christmas tree …

What is API Q1 and Q2?

API Specifications Q1 and Q2 are standards set by the American Petroleum Institute (API) for the certification of companies manufacturing components and providing services in the oil and gas production sector. The focus here is on training and reviewing quality standards and the quality assurance system.

What is API Spec Q2?

API Spec Q2 is the first ever quality management system (QMS) certification for service supply organizations in the oil and natural gas industry.