What are the sizes of kettlebells?

To attain balance and coordination, the recommended kettlebell sizes are:

  • Kettlebells between 18lbs (8kg) and 26lbs (12kg) for women.
  • Kettlebells between 26lbs (12kg) and 44lbs (20kg) for men.

Is Kettlercise good for weight loss?

Kettlebells can help you lose weight because exercises can use up to 600 muscles at a time increasing calorie burn, raising your metabolic rate and challenging your cardio. Training with kettlebells can also produce an after-burn effect leading to further calorie burn for up to 24 hours.

What is the difference between kettlebell and Kettlercise?

Kettlercise is a Body Transformation, toning and weight loss system, normally Kettlebells are usually used for strength, power and body building types of training, both are very different.

Is 32 kg kettlebell too heavy?

Is A 32kg Kettlebell Too Heavy? A 32kg kettlebell is too heavy for beginner and intermediate lifters, and most women. It is likely only appropriate for men who are advanced lifters in terms of strength development, power development, and in experience levels.

Why am I gaining weight with kettlebells?

If you’re new to kettlebell training, or eating a surplus of calories, you may actually gain weight with kettlebells in the form of increased muscle mass. Despite this not being a drop on the scale, you’ll almost undoubtedly look leaner and fitter, even if your weight is up.

What is Kettlercise good for?

Head-to-toe workout: Kettlercise works out the whole body and help strengthen tendons and ligaments, helping the joints get tougher and less susceptible to injury. It’s fun! Because Kettlercise is quick and a little different than most exercise classes, everyone has a lot of fun during training.

Is Kettlercise a HIIT?

Our Kettlercise Bootcamps, on Clifton Downs, offer the single most effective fat burning workouts. Designed to shape and sculpt your body using Kettlebells, Circuit and HIIT training to produce rapid fat loss and a lean toned body. It’s fun, super-quick and super-effective!