What are the side effects of dopamine agonists?

Nausea, vomiting, orthostatic hypotension, headache, dizziness, and cardiac arrhythmia are the most common side effect of dopamine agonists. [13] These adverse effects are mostly dosage-dependent. It is highly recommended to start these medications at a low dosage to reduce the risk of orthostatic hypotension.

What are the side effects of dopamine tablets?

Common Side Effects for Dopamine Agonists

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness or sudden sleep attacks.
  • Visual hallucinations.
  • Confusion.
  • Leg swelling and discoloration.
  • Dyskinesia (not as common)
  • Compulsive behaviors (such as uncontrolled shopping, gambling, eating, and sexual urges)

What are two disadvantages of using a dopamine agonist over levodopa?

A dopamine agonist may be used until it no longer adequately relieves symptoms, at which point the person starts taking levodopa in addition to the dopamine agonist. (Dopamine agonists can also cause severe sleep problems, hallucinations, and impulse control issues in some people.

What does dopamine do to blood pressure?

What Is Dopamine? Dopamine (dopamine hydrochloride) is a catecholamine drug that acts by inotropic effect on the heart muscle (causes more intense contractions) that, in turn, can raise blood pressure. At high doses, Dopamine may help correct low blood pressure due to low systemic vascular resistance.

How does levodopa affect blood pressure?

Publisher Summary. Oral levodopa commonly induces a reduction of the blood pressure in human. This hypotensive effect is seldom severe, usually clears spontaneously, and has not posed a serious problem in the treatment of Parkinsonian patients.

What do dopamine antagonists do?

Dopamine antagonists turn down dopamine activity, which may be useful for the treatment of psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, which have been associated with an overactive dopamine system.

How does dopamine affect blood pressure?

Dopamine is an important regulator of systemic blood pressure via multiple mechanisms. It affects fluid and electrolyte balance by its actions on renal hemodynamics and epithelial ion and water transport and by regulation of hormones and humoral agents.

What is a side effect of long term blocking of dopamine receptors?

Dopamine receptor blocking agents are known to induce parkinsonism, dystonia, tics, tremor, oculogyric movements, orolingual and other dyskinesias, and akathisia from infancy through the teenage years. Symptoms may occur at any time after treatment onset.

Does carbidopa levodopa cause peripheral neuropathy?

Though it’s not completely understood how it happens, long-term carbidopa/levodopa use can increase neuropathy too. Duopa carbidopa/levodopa intestinal gel therapy is more likely to cause peripheral neuropathy than oral tablets or capsules.