What are the responsibilities of a Supervisee?

The central goals of supervision are: Promoting supervisee developmental growth through teaching and supporting the supervisee’s knowledge and applied skills. Protecting the welfare of clients by ensuring that the clients the supervisee is working with are receiving high-quality professional services.

What are three legal considerations in the supervisory relationship?

Three legal considerations in the supervisory relationship are: Informed consent, confidentiality and it’s limits, and liability.

What critical ethical issue is associated with managed care?

What critical ethical issue(s) is(are) associated with managed care? Therapists cannot use the limitations of the managed care plan as a shield for failing to: render crisis intervention. make appropriate referrals.

What are Supervisee skills?

Strive to be open, intentional, honest, courageous, prepared, and ethical in your work as a supervisee, and the benefits of supervision can stay with you throughout the life cycle of your career.

What is the meaning of Supervisee?

a person being supervised
Definition of supervisee : a person being supervised.

What are the roles of the Supervisee and supervisor when engaging in supervision?

Supervision is “a social influence process that occurs over time, in which the supervisor participates with supervisees to ensure quality of clinical care. Effective supervisors observe, mentor, coach, evaluate, inspire, and create an atmosphere that promotes self-motivation, learning, and professional development.

What are the main ethical considerations in a Supervisee supervisor relationship?

Important ethical considerations concerning these relationships are (1) the likelihood that the dual relationship will impair the supervisor’s judgement and (2) the risk to the supervisee of exploitation.

Can be incurred when the actions of supervisors are the cause for harm?

-Direct liability can be incurred when the actions of supervisors are the cause for harm. -For example, supervisors may give trainees inappropriate direction about treatment or give tasks to trainees that exceed their competence.

What is managed care quizlet?

managed care. an organized effort by health plans and providers to use financial incentives and organizational. arrangements to alter provider and patient behavior so that health care services are delivered and utilized in a more. efficient and lower cost manner.

When a counselor works in a managed care system clients goals need to be?

When a counselor works in a managed care system, client’s goals need to be: highly specific, limited to reduction of problematic symptoms, and often aimed at teaching coping skills.

How do you support Supervisee?

How to nurture your supervisees

  1. Establish your expectations early.
  2. Help supervisees see the big picture.
  3. Match the talent with the task.
  4. Cultivate student development.
  5. Make yourself available.
  6. See mistakes as learning opportunities.
  7. Establish trust.
  8. Build confidence.

What makes a good Counselling Supervisee?

For effective supervision, it’s important it is to embody qualities of openness and honesty on both sides. Supervision can be very exposing for counsellors and psychotherapists. After all, to really learn about their clients and to work safely, they need to bring the work that they think isn’t going very well.