What are the reasons against using PEDs?

Arguments against allowing performance-enhancing drugs

  • It’s the taking part that counts, not the winning.
  • Drugs are against the spirit of sport, even if the rules don’t ban them.
  • Many performance-enhancing drugs pose severe health risks.
  • Allowing drugs promotes unhealthy and dangerous behaviour.

What are the disadvantages of using PEDs?

Steroids are typically used as a training drug. However, steroids are thought to cause severe mood swings when used in large quantities and may cause heart disease in some people. In males there is also the threat of testicular atrophy (shrinking testicles) and in females an increase in body and facial hair.

Why drugs should not be used in sports?

Using drugs in sport undermines values like fair play and teamwork. When sportspeople use drugs, they not only might damage their own health, they also give sport a bad reputation and set a poor example to others.

Why steroids should not be used in sports?

When improperly used, anabolic steroids can cause serious health problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease; liver damage and cancers; and, stroke and blood clots.

Why professional athletes should not be drug tested?

If there aren’t regular drug tests the drug use would spread to everyone. This would cause the sport to become way more violent. Drug abuse occurs in many sports. Also, athletes turn to substances to deal with many stressors, including pressure to perform, and bad physical pain.

How do steroids create an unfair advantage?

Society cares because steroid use is a form of cheating. Since steroids work so well, they create an unfair advantage for those who take them, and this breaks the social contract athletes have implicitly agreed to: We are going to have a fair contest. There are things we can and cannot do.

How often are athletes drug tested?

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) tests blood and urine samples from several hundred thousand Olympic athletes every year. About 1 to 2 percent of these samples test positive for prohibited substances, but actual instances of doping are estimated to be significantly more widespread.

What is drug testing in sports?

Drug or anti-doping testing is conducted in sports to ensure that athletes are not using performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) to gain an unfair advantage over their competitors. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) or similar national bodies oversee many of the athlete testing around the world.