What are the ranks in the Orthodox Church?

In the Orthodox Church there are to be found three Major Orders-Bishop. Priest and Deacon and two Minor Orders Subdeacon and Reader (although in ancient times there were other Minor Orders which have now fallen into disuse).

How is the Orthodox Church structured?

Each constituent church is self-governing; its highest-ranking bishop called the primate (a patriarch, a metropolitan or an archbishop) reports to no higher earthly authority. Each regional church is composed of constituent eparchies (or dioceses) ruled by bishops.

Who are the leaders of the Orthodox Church?

The Eastern Orthodox Churches. The nominal head of the Eastern Orthodox Churches is the Patriarch of Constantinople. However, he is only first among equals and has no real authority over Churches other than his own.

What are the 5 Orthodox churches?


  • Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria. French Coptic Orthodox Church.
  • Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.
  • Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church.

What is an Orthodox priest called?

Orthodox priests conduct services in more than 20 languages. They are also called pastors or presbyters.

Does the Orthodox Church have a hierarchy?

The Orthodox Christian hierarchy from bottom to top: priests, bishops, and the Patriarch. The bishops have different names such as Patriarch, Catholcos. Metropolitan, Archbishop and Exarch. These name generally reflect seniority, experience and honors.

Who has the most power in the Orthodox Church?

The ecumenical patriarch is regarded as the representative and spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians worldwide.

Who is head of Orthodox Christianity?

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I

Eastern Orthodox Church
Polity Episcopal
Governance Organization of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Structure Communion
Primus inter pares Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I

How many branches of Orthodox are there?

Globally, there are 15 self-governing churches among the Eastern Orthodox, while the Oriental Orthodox, including the Copts, Armenians, Ethiopians and Assyrians, have their own churches. Most of the denominations in both groups have institutional churches in the U.S., with the Greek Orthodox Church being the largest.

Is Greek Orthodox and Orthodox the same?

Etymology. Historically, the term “Greek Orthodox” has been used to describe all Eastern Orthodox churches, since the term “Greek” can refer to the heritage of the Byzantine Empire.