What are the quotes in chemistry?
What are the quotes in chemistry?
Funny Chemistry Quotes
- “Stevia does something funny to the chemistry of my mouth. There’s no fooling a taste bud, in my experience.” -Jonathan Franzen.
- “Chemistry can be a good and bad thing.” -Adam Sandler.
- “A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies, ‘For you, no charge’.”
Who is the genius of chemistry?
Marie Curie (1867–1934) In 1911, upon winning the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, Curie became the first person to win two Nobel Prizes.
Is chemistry a science Yes or no?
Chemistry is often referred to as the central science because it joins together physics and mathematics, biology and medicine, and the earth and environmental sciences. Knowledge of the nature of chemicals and chemical processes therefore provides insights into a variety of physical and biological phenomena.
What chemistry talks about?
Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the properties, composition, and structure of elements and compounds, how they can change, and the energy that is released or absorbed when they change.
What is the slogan of chemistry?
The phrase “Better Living Through Chemistry” is a variant of a DuPont advertising slogan, “Better Things for Better Living… Through Chemistry.” DuPont adopted it in 1935 and it was their slogan until 1982 when the “Through Chemistry” part was dropped. Since 1999, their slogan has been “The miracles of science”.
Is chemistry a love?
Are you in love or just high on chemicals in your brain? Answer: Yes. We call it “falling in love,” as if we have no control over how we topple into that dreamy state of emotional bliss. But those sweetly warm feelings we connect to our heart are actually chemicals and hormones flooding an organ higher up – our brain.
Who invented chemistry?
Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier (1743–94) is considered the “Father of Modern Chemistry”.
Can we live without chemistry?
Because everything is made of the chemicals which are needed in our daily life. We can not live without chemistry.
What is chemistry in love?
Simply put, the feeling of chemistry with another person is that of connection. It’s a draw to someone else that makes you want more of them. That doesn’t have to be in a romantic relationship context, though that is the way we most often use the word.
What are some examples of Chemistry jokes?
Another chemical symbol-based chemistry joke: cobalt (Co), radon (Rn), and yttrium (Y—yes, it’s a real element). Want to hear a joke about sodium, bromine, and oxygen? NaBrO. Sure enough, the chemical symbols of sodium (Na), bromine (Br), and oxygen (O) combine to form a casual way to tell someone you’re not interested in hearing a joke.
What should you do if no one laughs at your chemistry jokes?
Here are some more of our favorite jokes about people and things walking into bars. What should you do if no one laughs at your chemistry jokes? Keep telling them until you get a reaction. Get it?! Like a chemical reaction. Chemistry jokes are funny. Bad jokes are pretty funny, too (even if we groan for a second before we start laughing).
Which is more funny chemistry or physics?
Chemistry jokes can be funny periodically, but physics jokes have more potential. This one riffs off of the alternate meanings of a major concept from each science: the periodic table and potential energy. Why did the attacking army use acid? To neutralize the enemy’s base.
Is there anything funny in chemical equations?
It’s commonly considered that there is nothing funny in chemical equations. Well, it really seems that there is nothing more serious than complicated calculations, but these funny puns prove that scientists have the sense of humor too! Of course, they are not for all – if you understand them, you are definitely chosen!