What are the quarters in a fiscal year?

January, February, and March (Q1) April, May, and June (Q2) July, August, and September (Q3) October, November, and December (Q4)

What months are business quarters?

When Are Fiscal Quarter Dates?

  • 2020 Fiscal Quarters. Q1 2020 Dates: January 1 – March 31. Q2 2020 Dates: April 1 – June 30.
  • 2021 Fiscal Quarters. Q1 2021 Dates: January 1 – March 31. Q2 2021 Dates: April 1 – June 30.
  • 2022 Fiscal Quarters. Q1 2022 Dates: January 1 – March 31. Q2 2022 Dates: April 1 – June 30.

How do I determine my fiscal year?

A company’s fiscal year always aligns with the end date of a given 12-month period. For example, a fiscal year from May 1 2020 to April 30 2021 would be FY 2021. Fiscal years also always end on the last day of the month, unless it is December (in which case it would simply be a calendar year).

How many different quarters are there?

56 different quarters
From 2010 to 2021, the U.S. Mint made a total of 56 different quarters! Each reverse (tails) showed a scene from a national park or forest. The obverse (heads) was the same image of George Washington used on the quarter since 1932.

What is the 3rd quarter of the year?

Calendar quarter dates simply correspond to the standard calendar year of January 1st – December 31st as follows: Q1 First Quarter: January 1st – March 31st. Q2 Second Quarter: April 1st – June 30th. Q3 Thirst Quarter: July 1st – September 30th.

How many types of quarters are there?

From 2010 to 2021, the U.S. Mint made a total of 56 different quarters! Each reverse (tails) showed a scene from a national park or forest. The obverse (heads) was the same image of George Washington used on the quarter since 1932.

What months are 4th quarter?

Key Takeaways Q4, or the fourth quarter, is the last quarter of the financial year for companies. The Q4 dates for most companies follow the calendar year, starting on Oct. 1 and ending on Dec. 31.

What is the difference between calendar year and fiscal year?

A calendar year always begins on New Year’s Day and ends on the last day of the month (Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 for those using the Gregorian calendar). A fiscal year can start on any day and end precisely 365 days later.

What are the dates of the financial year?

June 30 – End of financial year. July 28 – Q4 BAS is due. October 31 – Tax return is due.

When are fiscal quarter dates?

When Are Fiscal Quarter Dates? The following fiscal quarter periods apply to companies whose fiscal year aligns with a regular calendar year: 2020 Fiscal Quarters Q1 2020 Dates: January 1 – March 31

What are the dates in the 2015 fiscal year calendar?

2015 Fiscal Year Calendar Fiscal Year Pay Period Begin Earnings Date End Earnings Date Paydate FY15 23 4/12/2015 4/25/2015 5/8/2015 FY15 24 4/26/2015 5/9/2015 5/22/2015 FY15 25 5/10/2015 5/23/2015 6/5/2015 FY15 26 5/24/2015 6/6/2015 6/19/2015

What is an example of a fiscal quarter?

For example, a children’s toy company may generate over half of its net revenue during Q4. Apple’s fiscal quarters cover the following months: For self-employed individuals (or those required to pay quarterly estimated taxes), it’s important to pay on time to avoid penalties.

What are non-standard fiscal quarters?

Non-standard fiscal quarters are common for companies with highly seasonal revenue streams. For example, a children’s toy company may generate over half of its net revenue during Q4. Apple’s fiscal quarters cover the following months: