What are the provisions of collision bulkhead as per Solas rules?

Regulations governing the collision bulkhead The collision bulkhead must be located not less than 0.05L or 10 metres, whichever is the lesser from the forward perpendicular , and not more than 0.08L or 0.05L+3 m, whichever is the greater (SOLAS 2014, Ch II-1, Reg 12.1).

What is collision bulkhead?

Definition of collision bulkhead : the first watertight bulkhead in the forward part of a ship designed to keep out water in the event of a collision.

What is a forepeak bulkhead?

The volume of the hull bound by the collision bulkhead, the bulkhead deck (deck towards which the watertight bulkheads extend), and the hull shell plating of the bow area form what is known as the forepeak region of the vessel.

How should you select the location of collision bulkhead?

Factor 3: Position based on SOLAS rule, which states that the collision bulkhead should be located aft of the forward perpendicular at a distance not less than 5 percent of the ship’s length of the ship or 10 meters (whichever is less). The distance must also not exceed 8 percent of the ship’s length.

What is a 60 bulkhead?

Prevent passage of smoke and flame to the end of one hour standard fire test. Insulated using non-combustible material so that average temperature on un-exposed side does not rise above 139oC and point temperature above 180o The time duration for which the bulkhead complies with this , governs its class. A-60— 60 Min.

What is forepeak tank?

Definition of forepeak : the extreme forward lower compartment or tank usually used for trimming or storage in a ship.

Why is collision bulkhead needed?

Collision Bulkhead is a heavy duty bulkhead in the forepart of the vessel to withstand damage after impact from collision.

How many types of bulkheads are there?

Types of Bulkheads as per construction: Numbers of Watertight bulkheads: 1- Collision bulkhead, 1- aft peak bulkhead, 1- Bulkhead of engine room and 1- bulkhead aft of engine room.

What are Class A bulkheads?

An ‘A’ Class division is a bulkhead or part of a deck constructed of steel or other ‘equivalent material’ and capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flame for a period not less than 60 minutes as defined in the regulations.

What is panting beam?

[′pant·iŋ ‚bēm] (naval architecture) A beam fitted athwartship in the bow or stern of a vessel to prevent panting of the sides.