What are the Philippine literature during the Spanish period?

The existing literature of the Philippine ethnic groups at the time of conquest and conversion into Christianity was mainly oral, consisting of epics, legends, songs, riddles, and proverbs.

What is the most important contribution of the Spaniards to the Philippine literature?

The most important figure is that of Jose Rizal (1861-1896), who produced, among many other writings, Noli me Tangere(1887) and El Filibusterismo (1891) which remain, to this day, the most important novels written by a Filipino.

What did the pre Spanish period contribute to the Philippine literature?

Pre-Hispanic Philippine literature was actually epics passed on from generation to generation, originally through an oral tradition. However, wealthy families, especially in Mindanao, were able to keep transcribed copies of these epics as family heirloom. One such was the Darangen, an epic of the Maranaos.

How Spaniards influence the Philippine culture?

By Christianizing the Filipinos, the Spanish Catholic missionaries were in effect remodelling Filipino culture and society according to the Hispanic standard. They would be Hispanizing the Filipinos, teaching them the trades, manners, customs, language and habits of the Spanish people.

What Filipino cultural practices reflect Spanish influence on Filipino lifestyle?

Filipinos at home set up altars in the Hispanic tradition adorned with Catholic images, flowers, and candles. During fiestas, most communities organise church services and religious processions in honor of a patron saint, hold funfairs and concerts, and feast with a variety of Filipino foods.

What is Spanish period literature?

Spanish period is the second of the series of literary periods of growth and development of Philippine literature. This very interesting period is full of remarkable changes and developments in terms of Philippine literary genres. Some genres such as Awit or Corrido became integrated into our own corpora.

How did Spanish colonization affect Philippine?

The Impacts of Spanish Rule in the Philippines. An important impact of Spanish rule in the Philippines is the creation of a mestizo culture with entrenched landed interests and a highly skewed land distribution.

What was the contribution of the Spanish colonization that you considered to be their greatest legacy to the Philippines?

Filipinos refer to their country’s Spanish colonial experience as “300 years in a convent,” and with good reason: The Catholic faith is arguably Spain’s most enduring legacy in the Philippines. Yet religion is by no means the only inheritance that this Southeast Asian nation got from its former master.

What are the literary forms of Spanish period?

Spanish literature, the body of literary works produced in Spain. Such works fall into three major language divisions: Castilian, Catalan, and Galician. This article provides a brief historical account of each of these three literatures and examines the emergence of major genres.

What is the use of literature in the community during the pre Spanish era?

-These have been customarily used and served as laws or rules on good behavior by our ancestors. To others, these are like allegories or parables that impart lessons for the young.

What are the characteristics of literature during the pre Spanish period?

Pre-Spanish Literature is characterized by

  • A. LEGENDS. Legends are a form of prose the common theme of which is about the origin of a thing, place, location or name.
  • E. Epigrams, Riddles, Chants, Maxims, Proverbs or Sayings.