What are the names of the snake generals in Ninjago?

The four Serpentine generals, Skales, Fangtom, Skalidor and Acidicus, have their names’ syllables added one onto the other.

Who is the Constrictai general?

Skalidor is the Serpentine general of the Constrictai tribe. As a hulking warrior, Skalidor fought in the Serpentine War many years ago before being sealed away in a tomb along with his fellow Constrictai. Long after, Pythor would free the Constrictai and Venomari from their tombs.

What is the strongest snake tribe in Ninjago?

The Anacondrai
The Anacondrai were one of the five Serpentine tribes living in Ninjago and were the most powerful, dangerous, and feared of all Serpentine, acting as the fiercest warriors of their time under the lead of General Arcturus.

What are the 5 Snake tribes of Ninjago?

Anacondrai, Hypnobrai, Fangpyre, Constrictai, and Venomari were the five tribes, all with their own unique abilities to sabotage the ninja. In this concept art for the tribes, we can see a flame-filled and hypnotic race of snakes, the latter of which would become Hypnobrai.

How many serpentine are there?

In mineralogy and gemology, serpentine may refer to any of 20 varieties belonging to the serpentine subgroup. Owing to admixture, these varieties are not always easy to individualize, and distinctions are not usually made. There are three important mineral polymorphs of serpentine: antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite.

Are the Merlopians serpentine?

They’re the second species to use the term “surface-dwellers” on others such as humans, the first being the Serpentine.

Did Pythor eat his tribe?

In their act of desperation, they resorted to cannibalism and started devouring each other, with Pythor being left as the sole survivor after eating several of his fellow tribe members and waiting to escape his imprisonment.

Is clancee a Anacondrai?

Clancee is a Serpentine hybrid with a head resembling the Anacondrai, although he is hardly one of them. His scales are light green in color and his eyes are yellow, as are members of the Venomari tribe, indicating that one of his parents was the Venomari.

Why is Pythor white?

After explaining that being digested in the bowels of the Great Devourer bleached his scales white, Pythor abducted Lloyd and had his father thrown into the sea below.

Is Pythor a general?

Chumsworth is the last member and self-proclaimed general of the Anacondrai tribe as well as the former Serpentine King.