What are the names of fingers in French?

The name of the fingers in French are:

  • Le pouce – thumb.
  • L’index – index.
  • Le majeur – middle finger.
  • L’annulaire – annular.
  • L’auriculaire, le petit-doigt – pinky.

What are the 5 fingers names?


  • index finger, pointer finger, or forefinger.
  • middle finger or long finger,
  • ring finger.
  • little finger, pinky finger, or small finger.

What are the names of the hands fingers?


  • Index finger, pointer finger, or forefinger.
  • Middle finger.
  • Ring finger.
  • Little finger or ‘pinky’
  • Thumb.

What is the Latin name for fingers?

Finger (subs.)- , digitus (also thumb or toe): the fore finger: digitus index (as used in pointing), Hor. : Plin.

How do you say fingers in Italian?

Fingers translate to Italian meanings: dita. In other words, dita in Italian is Fingers in English.

What is pinky finger called?

The little finger, or pinkie, also known as the baby finger, fifth digit, or pinky finger, is the most ulnar and smallest digit of the human hand, and next to the ring finger.

Why is it called a pinkie finger?

You might think that it is called pinkie because European little fingers are usually coloured pink, but this isn’t so (though its modern survival might owe something to this idea). It derives from a much older sense of pinkie for something tiny, which in turn comes from one meaning of the adjective pink.

What is the middle finger called?

digitus medius
It is typically the longest digit. In anatomy, it is also called the third finger, digitus medius, digitus tertius or digitus III.

What are Colours in French?

French color names are rouge (red), jaune (yellow), bleu (blue), vert (green), orange (orange) blanc (white), noir (black) and gris (gray).