What are the most common injuries from a blast?

The most common primary blast injuries include:

  • blast lung—pulmonary barotraumas.
  • head—traumatic brain injury (TBI), concussion.
  • ear—tympanic membrane (eardrum) rupture.
  • ear—middle ear damage.
  • abdomen—hemorrhage.
  • abdomen—organ perforation.

Which organ is most vulnerable to injury after a bomb blast?

The ear is the most susceptible organ to primary blast injury. Injury to the delicate and sensitive structures of the middle and inner ear represents the most common type of injury after a blast. Blast injury to the ear may result in symptoms of tinnitus, earache, hearing loss, or vertigo.

Which of the following is the most common cause of death from a blast injury?

The lungs, bowel, and middle ear are most susceptible to primary blast injuries (PBIs). Pulmonary barotrauma, the most common fatal PBI, may include the following: Pulmonary contusion. Systemic air embolism, which most commonly occludes blood vessels in the brain or spinal cord.

Which type of blast injury is most likely to produce penetrating trauma?

Secondary blast injuries result when strong blast winds behind the pressure front propel fragments and debris against the body and cause blunt force and penetrating injuries including: Penetrating ballistic (fragmentation or blunt injuries)

What is a tertiary blast injury?

Tertiary blast injury occurs when a person is physically thrown by the blast, which usually causes direct impact trauma. For example, being thrown by the blast might cause the head to strike the ground or a wall.

What organ is most susceptible to blast injuries?

These blast waves can be powerful enough to injure the individuals exposed to them. This type of injury is called primary blast injury (PBI) and the organs most vulnerable to PBI are the gas-filled organs, namely the ear, the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract.

What does it feel like to be in an explosion?

They feel a jolting sensation that is not like anything they’ve ever experienced before in their lives. It can be much more severe than that and produce unconsciousness and damage to the body. Some of that is related to other aspects of the explosion obviously.