What are the most common genders for triplets?

Data on 36 women with triplet pregnancies delivered in our hospital and information regarding 2717 triplet pregnancies reported by 16 relevant papers were included in this study. 36 women delivered 63 (58%) male and 45 (42%) female babies. Triplet sets of same gender comprised 33% of all trigemini.

What are the different types of triplets?

Triplets can be:

  • Trichorionic. Each baby has its own placenta and chorion.
  • Dichorionic. Two of the babies share a placenta and chorion and the other is separate.
  • Monochorionic. All three babies share the same placenta and chorion.
  • In separate amniotic sacs, or two or more babies can share an amniotic sac.

Can triplets be mixed gender?

Trizygotic or fraternal triplets can be the same or opposite genders (three boys / three girls / one boy, two girls / two boys, one girl). Triplets can also happen when two separate eggs are fertilized by two different sperm, and one of those eggs splits into two, forming monozygotic (identical) twins.

Are triplets more likely to be the same gender?

Are identical twins or triplets always the same sex? Because identical twins or triplets share genetic material, they are always the same sex. The sex of a baby is determined by the particular sperm cell that fertilizes the egg at conception.

Can you have identical triplets with different genders?

They can be the same or opposite genders. Triplets can also occur when two of the babies are identical and have formed from monozygotic (identical) twins – see below. This means the other, third baby is a singleton, formed from a completely separate egg and sperm.

Can all three triplets be identical?

Like twins, triplets and other higher-order multiples can be categorized by their zygosity or degree of genetic similarity. Though triplets are most commonly fraternal (dizygotic or trizygotic), it is possible for triplets to be identical (monozygotic).

Are MoMo twins rare?

Mo/mo is rarest, accounting for only about 1 to 5 percent of all identical twins. While all of this may seem like a lot to understand, the issue is that the more that the twins share while in utero the higher the risk to the pregnancy.

Are triplets usually the same gender?

Because identical twins or triplets share genetic material, they are always the same sex. The sex of a baby is determined by the particular sperm cell that fertilizes the egg at conception.

When can you find out gender of triplets?

By week 14, a baby’s gender may be revealed via ultrasound. However, an ultrasound technician might have difficulty distinguishing between a boy or a girl at this point. Doctors generally recommend waiting until weeks 19-20 to have your anatomy scan ultrasound in order to show the correct gender.

Can triplets be all fraternal?

For example, triplets can be either fraternal (trizygotic), forming from 3 individual eggs that are fertilised and implanted in the uterus; or they can be identical, when one egg divides into 3 embryos; or they can be a combination of both.