What are the major imports and exports of Brazil?


  • Overview In April 2022 Brazil exported $28.8B and imported $20.8B, resulting in a positive trade balance of $8.09B.
  • Trade In April 2022, the top exports of Brazil were Soybeans ($6.73B), Crude Petroleum ($2.78B), Iron Ore ($2.52B), Refined Petroleum ($1.24B), and Soybean Meal ($940M).

What are the top 5 imports of Brazil?

Brazil’s Top Five Imports

  • Agricultural and industrial machinery $21.1B.
  • Electrical machinery and equipment $16.9B.
  • Mineral fuels including oil $15.1B.
  • Vehicles $10B.
  • Organic chemicals $8.3B.

What are Brazil’s top 3 imports?

Brazil’s Top 10 Imports

  • Mineral fuels including oil: US$30.4 billion (13.9% of total imports)
  • Machinery including computers: $29.3 billion (13.4%)
  • Electrical machinery, equipment: $27.6 billion (12.6%)
  • Fertilizers: $15.2 billion (6.9%)
  • Vehicles: $14.4 billion (6.6%)
  • Organic chemicals: $13.2 billion (6%)

What are Brazil’s major imports?

Brazil imports mainly manufactured goods (85 percent of total imports), namely machinery, fuels and lubricants, chemicals and pharmaceutical products, and parts and accessories for motor vehicles and tractors. The country also imports raw materials (10 percent), mostly crude oil, coal, natural gas and wheat grain.

How much does Brazil import and export?

According to the latest available data from WTO, in 2020, Brazil imported USD 166 billion and exported USD 209 billion in goods, while in services the country imported USD 47 billion and exported USD 27 billion. As a result, trade balance of goods and services amounted to USD 11,7 billion.

Does Brazil import or export more?

According to the latest available data from WTO, in 2020, Brazil imported USD 166 billion and exported USD 209 billion in goods, while in services the country imported USD 47 billion and exported USD 27 billion.

What is Brazil an major import in?

Where does Brazil import from?

Brazil trade balance, exports and imports by country In 2017, Brazil major trading partner countries for exports were China, United States, Argentina, Netherlands and Japan and for imports they were China, United States, Argentina, Germany and Korea, Rep..

How much do Brazil import?

Brazilian foreign trade in figures

Foreign Trade Values 2016 2019
Imports of Goods (million USD) 143,474 184,370
Exports of Goods (million USD) 185,280 225,383
Imports of Services (million USD) 63,750 67,748
Exports of Services (million USD) 33,300 33,595