What are the major features on the Moon?

The three major features of the moon are the maria, which is a dark rock formed from the lava flows; the craters, which are the round pits; and the highlands, which are the elevated features or mountains found in the moon’s surface.

What are 5 features of the Moon?

The Top Five Features To Find On The Full Moon

  • 1.) The lunar maria.
  • 2.) Montes Apenninus.
  • 3.) Tycho crater.
  • 4.) Copernicus crater.
  • 5.) Oceanus Procellarum.

What are the 3 main features we can see on the Moon?

The surface of the Moon has many features, including mountains and valleys, craters, and maria—wide flat areas that look like seas from a distance but are probably solidified molten rock.

What’s at the center of the Moon?

At its very centre, the Moon has a solid iron core with a temperature of between 1,327°C and 1427°C. This is hot enough to create a surrounding molten liquid iron outer core, but not hot enough to warm the surface. The mantle which envelops the core is roughly 1,000 kilometres thick.

How are moon features named?

The Moon is remarkable for the variety and unusual nature of the names of its surface features. The dark, smooth maria are named for weather or states of mind (Sea of Rains, Sea of Tranquility) while many of the abundant craters of the Moon are named for famous scientists, philosophers, mathematicians and explorers.

How can we identify features on the Moon?

The following features can be identified on the Moon’s surface:

  1. MARE or “SEAS” – These are relatively smooth, dark, and large areas that are filled with lava.
  2. CRATERS – These roughly circular depression in the surface formed when meteoroids struck the Moon at high speeds.

What are the 7 characteristics of the Moon?

Physical characteristics

  • Distance. The Moon is approximately 384,400 km (239,000 miles) from the Earth.
  • Size. The diameter of the Moon is 3479 kilometers (2162 miles).
  • Mass.
  • Density.
  • Temperature.
  • Motion.
  • Moon causes tides.
  • Moon may influence “lunatics”

What are the 4 features of the Moon?

The Moon displays four main phases: new, first quarter, full, and last quarter. New moon occurs when the Moon is between Earth and the Sun, and thus the side of the Moon that is in shadow faces Earth.

What are the features of the Moon named after?

Is the center of the Moon molten?

That being said, temperature calculations and seismic data have revealed that a small part of the Moon’s core, somewhere between 5 and 30 percent, is actually molten iron. This thin outer core meets up with the mantle and is liquid enough to flow.

Who named the Moon?

Earth’s moon, the longest known of all, was given the name “Selene” by the Greeks and “Luna” by the Romans, each a goddess.