What are the main points of Reformed theology?


  • Reformed theologians believe that God communicates knowledge of himself to people through the Word of God.
  • According to Reformed theologians, God’s self-revelation is always through his son Jesus Christ, because Christ is the only mediator between God and people.

Did Calvin write a commentary on every book of the Bible?

For the Old Testament, he published commentaries for all books except the histories after Joshua (though he did publish his sermons on First Samuel) and the Wisdom literature other than the Book of Psalms. For the New Testament, he omitted only the brief second and third Epistles of John and the Book of Revelation.

What is a one volume Bible commentary?

The only one-volume Bible commentary to cover all the texts (even including 1 Enoch) regarded by one or more Christian churches as canonical, the ECB provides reader-friendly treatments and succinct summaries of each section of the text that will be valuable to scholars, students and general readers alike.The primary …

Did John Calvin believe in the Book of Revelation?

John Calvin believed that Scripture is necessary for human understanding of God’s revelation, that it is the equivalent of direct revelation, and that it is both “majestic” and “simple.” Calvin’s general, explicit exposition of his view of Scripture is found mainly in his Institutes of the Christian Religion.

Was John Calvin a humanist?

Intellectual formation. Historians are generally agreed that Calvin is to be understood primarily as a Renaissance humanist who aimed to apply the novelties of humanism to recover a biblical understanding of Christianity.

What are the 4 types of commentary?

Types of Commentaries

  • Technical or Critical or Exegetical: Includes very detailed, technical discussion of text. Requires some understanding of the original languages.
  • Expositional or Essential or Semi-Technical: Includes less technical, but still extensive discussion.
  • Homiletical: Intended to aid in sermon preparation.

Does Reformed theology believe in predestination?

Predestination has been especially associated with John Calvin and the Reformed tradition. There has been no argument in Reformed theology about the positive side of the doctrine of predestination…