What are the learning outcomes of educational technology?

Demonstrate knowledge, attitudes, and skills of digital age work and learning. Plan, design, and assess effective learning environments and experiences. Implement curriculum methods and strategies that use technology to maximize student learning. Develop technology-enabled assessment and evaluation strategies.

What are the outcomes of art?

Student Learning Outcomes | Art & Design

  • Outcome 1 | Creative Process.
  • Outcome 2 | Development of Skill and Technique.
  • Outcome 3 | Development of Context and Concept.
  • Outcome 4 | Communication of Ideas and Context.
  • Outcome 5 | Development of Deliberate Practice.

What is learning outcomes from art and craft?

Enhancing children’s hand eye co-ordination and building levels of manual dexterity. Working with materials teaches them about colours, shapes and textures. How things work and how they fit together. Craft encourages children to play and experiment in a fun and relaxed environment.

What are learning outcomes in instructional design?

Learning outcomes are statements which describe a desired condition – that is, the knowledge, skills, or attitudes needed to fulfill a gap between an existing condition and the desired condition. They represent the solution to the identified need or issue and provide direction in the planning of a learning activity.

What is the contribution of educational technology in teaching and learning?

It improves their teaching competence, modifies their teaching behavior and style, inculcates scientific outlook, attitude and approach. Educational technology also helps them to transfer knowledge to the learners. It helps the teacher to know , to what extent the educational objectives have been achieved.

What are the objectives of art and design?

Art and design stimulates creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a special way of understanding and responding to the world.

What are the main objectives of art education?

Increased self-confidence and self-understanding, enhanced communication skills, and improved cognition are among the many reasons for teaching the arts. The arts are as important as academics, and they should be treated that way in school curriculum.

What are the learning benefits of art?

Art education teaches students how to interpret, criticize, and use visual information, and how to make choices based on it.” Knowledge about the visual arts, such as graphic symbolism, is especially important in helping kids become smart consumers and navigate a world filled with marketing logos.

What are the aims of art education for school education?

Objectives The objectives of art education are to : assist learners to use artistic and aesthetic sensibility in day-to-day life situation; enable learners to achieve a balanced growth as a social being in tune with our culture through project work.