What are the height and weight requirements for a booster seat in MN?
What are the height and weight requirements for a booster seat in MN?
Minnesota Booster Seat Law Booster seat laws in Minnesota apply to kids until they reach 4’9″ or 8 years old. Be sure to follow manufacturer minimum and maximum size requirements for your booster seat – most manufacturers now require a minimum of 4 years old, 40″ tall and 40 pounds.
What are the requirements for a child to sit in the front seat in Minnesota?
Minnesota doesn’t have any law for seating in the front seat. However, the Office of the Traffic Safety recommends that your child sits in the back seat until they are 13.
When can kids stop using a booster seat in MN?
age 8
Booster seats are required by law in Minnesota. Children must use a booster after they outgrow a forward-facing harnessed seat, and remain in a booster until age 8 or 4 feet 9 inches tall whichever comes first. It is recommended to keep a child in a booster based on their height rather than age.
Can a 4 year old sit in a booster seat near Minnesota?
In Minnesota, all children must be in a child restraint until they are 4’9” tall, or at least age 8, whichever comes first.
When can you stop using a car seat in MN?
Minnesota Child Car Seat Law and Steps In Minnesota, all children must be in a child restraint until they are 4’9” tall, or at least age 8, whichever comes first. Rear-facing child seats – Keep your child rear-facing as long as possible.
How tall do you have to be to ride without a booster seat in Minnesota?
4 feet 9 inches tall
Booster seats are required by Minnesota law. Children cannot ride in just a seat belt until age 8 or 4 feet 9 inches tall. will be the best for you and your child.
Can a 7 year old sit in the front seat?
Children 3 years and over, up to 135cm tall must sit in the rear and use an adult seat belt. Children aged 12 years or more, or over 135cm tall, may travel the front, but must wear the seat belt.