What are the five basic fire safety practices?

5 fire prevention tips

  • Maintain fire prevention systems.
  • Don’t forget your fire extinguishers.
  • Be aware of overloaded circuits and extension cords.
  • Keep your space clean.
  • Create a fire evacuation plan.

Why is evacuation training important?

Training is essential to ensure that everyone knows what to do when there is an emergency, or disruption of business operations. Everyone needs training to become familiar with protective actions for life safety (e.g., evacuation, shelter, shelter-in-place and lockdown).

What are the 4 race procedure in a fire?

R.A.C.E: An acronym that hospital personnel use to remember their duties in case of fire. It stands for RESCUE, ALARM, CONFINE, EXTINGUISH/EVACUATE.

Is fire training a legal requirement?

In this article, we answer the popular question β€œIs fire safety training a legal requirement?” The short answer is yes. Firstly, it is a legal requirement that all employees undergo basic training at induction. Secondly, refresher training should be given at regular intervals.

Who needs fire extinguisher training?

It’s widely regarded that anyone who’s expected to need to use a fire extinguisher in a business should be trained in its use. This primarily includes fire wardens, who are the first line of defence in an emergency.

What is the purpose of fire training?

Fire Safety Training Ensures Awareness Simply holding staff training fire safety can significantly reduce the risk of a fire breaking out in the first place. Awareness plays a big part in dangers like fires in the workplace, so building up awareness can help avoid ever encountering a fire in the workplace.

What should be included in fire safety training?

What should fire safety training at work cover?

  • An understanding of why fire safety is so important.
  • The different types of fire extinguisher.
  • The fire triangle.
  • How to apply your knowledge to a real-life emergency in the workplace.
  • How to use fire extinguishers.
  • The laws regarding fire safety at work.

How do you respond to a fire at work?

If you ever discover a fire follow these steps:

  1. Remain calm.
  2. Sound the fire alarm and/or alert all the occupants to evacuate.
  3. Alert the fire brigade by dialling 000 (or your Security Staff – depending on what procedures are currently in place).
  4. Leave the building immeidately via the closest escape route.