What are the first symptoms of transverse myelitis?
What are the first symptoms of transverse myelitis?
Initial symptoms usually include lower back pain or sharp, shooting sensations that radiate down the legs or arms or around the torso. Sensory alterations. Transverse myelitis can causeparesthesias(abnormal sensations such as burning, tickling, pricking, numbness, coldness, or tingling) in the legs, and sensory loss.
What triggers transverse myelitis?
Viral, bacterial and fungal infections affecting the spinal cord may cause transverse myelitis. In most cases, the inflammatory disorder appears after recovery from the infection. Viruses associated with transverse myelitis are: Herpes viruses, including the one that causes shingles and chickenpox (zoster)
What does transverse myelitis feel like?
There are four classic symptoms of transverse myelitis: weakness in the arms/legs. sensory symptoms such as numbness or tingling. pain and discomfort.
What is the difference between MS and transverse myelitis?
In transverse myelitis there is usually a single lesion in the spinal cord and none in the brain, whereas in multiple sclerosis (MS) there are multiple attacks of inflammation and lesions throughout the brain and spinal cord.
Who is at risk for transverse myelitis?
Transverse myelitis is a relatively rare disease. It occurs most often in children ages 10 to 19 and in adults ages 30 to 39. But it can happen at any age.
Can stress cause transverse myelitis?
Cold weather and stress can also exacerbate symptoms. MS and transverse myelitis are both considered to be part of a group of neurological conditions called demyelinating conditions (conditions involving inflammation and damage to the myelin sheath).
Does transverse myelitis turn into MS?
Transverse myelitis can appear as the first symptom in conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS) or neuromyelitis optica (NMO). A person with transverse myelitis who also has an abnormal brain MRI with more than two lesions has an increased chance (as high as 90 percent) of going on to develop MS.
Is exercise good for transverse myelitis?
Physiotherapy treatment is best provided by specialised neurological physiotherapists that can help with the common symptoms of transverse myelitis. These include: Muscle Weakness – It is essential to keep exercising. Physiotherapy treatment will increase muscle strength by improving walking, running or swimming.
Does transverse myelitis show in blood test?
People with a positive antibody test are at increased risk of experiencing multiple attacks of transverse myelitis and require treatment to prevent future attacks. Other blood tests can identify infections that may contribute to transverse myelitis, or rule out other causes of symptoms.