What are the financial statements of a bank?

Financial Statements for Banks

  • Assets. Property. Trading assets. Loans to customers. Deposits to the central bank.
  • Liabilities. Loans from the central bank. Deposits from customers. Trading liabilities. Misc. debt.
  • Equity. Common and preferred shares.

How do you prepare financial statements?

How to Prepare Financial Statements

  1. Step 1: Verify Receipt of Supplier Invoices.
  2. Step 2: Verify Issuance of Customer Invoices.
  3. Step 3: Accrue Unpaid Wages.
  4. Step 4: Calculate Depreciation.
  5. Step 5: Value Inventory.
  6. Step 6: Reconcile Bank Accounts.
  7. Step 7: Post Account Balances.
  8. Step 8: Review Accounts.

What should be included in notes to financial statements?

Notes to the financial statements disclose the detailed assumptions made by accountants when preparing a company’s: income statement, balance sheet, statement of changes of financial position or statement of retained earnings. The notes are essential to fully understanding these documents.

What does IFRS stand for?

International Financial Reporting Standards
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are a set of accounting standards that govern how particular types of transactions and events should be reported in financial statements. They were developed and are maintained by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

What is financial statement according to IFRS?

a statement of financial position as at the end of the period; a statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income for the period. Other comprehensive income is those items of income and expense that are not recognised in profit or loss in accordance with IFRS Standards.

How do you analyze bank financial statements?

How to analyse banks

  1. Capital adequacy ratio (CAR) It is the measure of a bank’s available capital divided by the loans (assessed in terms of their risk) given by the bank.
  2. Gross and net non-performing assets.
  3. Provision coverage ratio.
  4. Return on assets.
  5. CASA ratio.
  6. Net interest margin.
  7. Cost to income.

What are the different types of financial statements?

There are four main financial statements. They are: (1) balance sheets; (2) income statements; (3) cash flow statements; and (4) statements of shareholders’ equity. Balance sheets show what a company owns and what it owes at a fixed point in time.

What are the five types of financial statements?

Statement of financial position,

  • The income statement (Statement of profit or loss),
  • Statement of cash flows,
  • Statement of changes in equity,and
  • Notes to the financial statements.
  • How to structure financial statements?

    = (equal to)

  • > (greater than)
  • >= (greater than or equal to)
  • < (less than)
  • <= (less than or equal to)
  • <> (not equal to)
  • How to analyze financial statements with example?

    Profit and Loss Statement. Every business either manufactures a product or provides a service.

  • Balance Sheet. To understand what a balance sheet is,let’s think of a company that manufactures automobiles.
  • Assets = Liabilities+Shareholders’ Equity.
  • Cash Flow Statement.
  • Cash Flow = Net Profit+Non-Cash Expenses.
  • The Author.
  • What are the required financial statements?

    Balance Sheet. This statement provides the company’s total assets,liabilities,and equity at the end of the reporting period.

  • Income Statement: It is one of the most important reports for any organization,as it shows the Profit or loss for a financial period of time.
  • Cash Flow Statement.