What are the elements and compounds being mined in platinum?

Russia mines the most palladium. The ores from these countries also contain ruthenium and iridium, which are mined together with platinum, palladium and rhodium….31.2. 1 Ore Grade.

Element Concentration, or grade, of ‘in situ’ ore, g/tonne
Pd 2–7
Pt 2–4
Rh 0.2–0.5
Ru 0.3–0.7

What is platinum mined from?

Platinum is found in its pure native form or in platiniridium, a natural alloy of platinum and iridium. Platinum is present in thin sulfide layers in certain mafic igneous bodies and is mined in Canada, Russia, South Africa, the USA, Zimbabwe and Australia.

Is platinum made or mined?

Platinum is also mined as an ore . Platinum ores such as sperrylite and cooperite may be mined when they are found in quantities that make extraction economically feasible. In other situations, platinum is obtained as a by-product when ores of other metals, such as copper and nickel, are refined.

In what compounds or forms is platinum commonly found?

Platinum is often found chemically uncombined as native platinum and as alloy with the other platinum-group metals and iron mostly. Most often the native platinum is found in secondary deposits in alluvial deposits.

What are the elements and compounds being mined?

The following mining industries can be researched: gold, iron, copper, diamond, phosphate, coal, manganese, chromium or platinum group metals (PGMs).

What is the elements of platinum?

platinum (Pt), chemical element, the best known and most widely used of the six platinum metals of Groups 8–10, Periods 5 and 6, of the periodic table….platinum.

atomic number 78
boiling point 3,827 °C (6,920 °F)
specific gravity 21.45 (20 °C)
oxidation states +2, +4
electron configuration [Xe]4f145d96s1

Where has platinum been found?

The largest source of platinum is South Africa. Recently a mine in the state of Montana has come into production. Other commercial operations are located in Russia and Canada.

How much platinum has been mined?

10,000 tonnes
Officially discovered in the 18th Century, modern mining experts estimate that over 15 times more gold and about 150 times more silver have been mined than platinum throughout time. Mining experts also estimate that just over 10,000 tonnes of platinum have ever been mined by man.

Where is platinum mined?

80% of the world’s current production comes from South Africa and the Sudbury Basin of Canada. Smaller reserves can be found in the United States, Zimbabwe and Australia. Platinum is also attained through recycling.

What compounds are made of platinum?

What Are the Most Common Compounds that Contain Platinum?

  • Platinum Arsenide.
  • Platinum Carbonate.
  • Platinum Chloride.
  • Platinum Chromate.
  • Platinum Cyanide.
  • Platinum Dichromate.
  • Platinum Dioxide.
  • Platinum Fluoride.

What are elements and compounds being mined in South Africa?

Examples of underground mining in South Africa are mining for diamonds, gold and sometimes the platinum group metals (PGM). The PGMs are six transition metals usually found together in ore. They are ruthenium (Ru), rhodium (Rh), palladium (Pd), osmium (Os), iridium (Ir) and platinum (Pt).

What are the elements and compounds being mined in salt mining?

Learn about this topic in these articles: Granite, gold, copper, zinc, potash, and basalt are also mined. Numerous other minerals have been identified, including feldspar, gypsum, asbestos,…