What are the effects of indiscipline in the society?

Communities with indisciplined behaviour suffer a lot of crises, which include poor attitude to work, low productivity, nonchalant attitude towards national development, and national consciousness.

What are the causes of indiscipline among Nigeria youths?

Causes and Consequences of Indiscipline in Nigeria

  • Lack of good leadership:
  • Lack of parental guidance:
  • Government inconsistency on Effective Disciplinary Measures:
  • Paying lip service to religious teachings:
  • Financial and status influence:
  • Lack of orientation and re-orientation:
  • Lack of basic necessities of life:

What are the causes of indiscipline at home?

The findings revealed causes of indiscipline in the home to include lack of attention/love from parents, poor parent-child relationship, corrective measure, and these characteristics can bring about indiscipline in the child.

What are the causes of discipline problems?

Causes of discipline problems include a lack of interest in the program, anger, worry, fear, shame, embarrassment, or frustration relating to a physical impairment or learning disability. Effective planning for classroom instruction can help decrease discipline problems.

How can we control indiscipline in our society?

How to Prevent Discipline Problems

  1. Be organized.
  2. Deal with problems while they’re still small.
  3. Have good control procedures.
  4. Teach your procedures well.
  5. Keep your students engaged.
  6. Move around the classroom.
  7. Develop a rapport with your students.
  8. Be professional.

What are the types of indiscipline?

Types of Indiscipline in Schools

  • Reaching the School late. It is the most usual form of indiscipline in a school.
  • Neglecting Homework. It is commonly observed in education intuitions that students neglect home assignments.
  • Disrespectful Behavioral towards the Teachers.

What are the five major causes of indiscipline in schools?

The 5 causes of indiscipline in educational institution are as follows: (1) Loss of Respect for Teachers (2) Lack of Ideals (3) Defective Educational System (4) Effective Freedom-Fight (5) Economic Crisis.

What are the causes of indiscipline in schools PDF?

The school based causes of indiscipline revealed by this study are teachers’ lateness and absenteeism in class, overcrowded classrooms, unconducive school environment, unenforceable school rules and regulations, poor teaching and poor leadership by school administrators.

What are the main causes of indiscipline in secondary schools?

The research found that various factors cause indiscipline among secondary school students. The causes include; Lack of inadequate physical facilities, inadequate dialogue between teachers and students, overcrowded curriculum, lack of guidance and counseling among others.

What are the examples of indiscipline?

Students portray different types of indiscipline behaviour among which include the following acts: boycotting of lessons, watching and practicing pornography, lies telling, violence, dishonesty, disobedient to teachers, prefects, and school administration, rapping school/class mates, alcohol consumption, confronting …

What are the causes of indiscipline in students?

What is indiscipline society?

Indiscipline is defined as a lack of self-control and disobedience that leads to flagrant violations of norms and regulations, culminating in chaos and disorder. Acts of indiscipline are unavoidably caused by a lack of self-control.