What are the different instruction types of 8086 explain them with suitable examples?
What are the different instruction types of 8086 explain them with suitable examples?
REPNE/REPNZ − Used to repeat the given instruction until CX = 0 or zero flag ZF = 1. MOVS/MOVSB/MOVSW − Used to move the byte/word from one string to another. COMS/COMPSB/COMPSW − Used to compare two string bytes/words. INS/INSB/INSW − Used as an input string/byte/word from the I/O port to the provided memory location.
How many instructions are there in 8086?
117 basic instructions
There are 117 basic instructions in the instruction set of 8086.
Is an example of 8086 processor control instructions?
Process control instructions in 8086 microprocessor
Opcode | Operand | Description |
CLD | —- | Used to clear/reset the direction flag DF to 0 |
STI | —- | Used to set the interrupt enable flag to 1, i.e., enable INTR input. |
CLI | —- | Used to clear the interrupt enable flag to 0, i.e., disable INTR input. |
What is instruction and its types?
A computer must have the following types of instructions: Data transfer instructions. Data manipulation instructions. Program sequencing and control instructions. Input and output instructions.
What are instructions in microprocessor?
An instruction of a computer is a command given to the computer to perform a specified operation on given data. In microprocessor, the instruction set is the collection of the instructions that the microprocessor is designed to execute. The programmer writes a program in assembly language using these instructions.
What are the instruction set of 8086?
Instructions of this group perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, increment, decrement, comparison, ASCII and decimal adjustment etc….Arithmetic Instructions.
Instruction | Description |
IMUL | Signed 8-bit or 16-bit multiplication. |
DIV | Unsigned 8-bit or 16-bit division. |
IDIV | Signed 8-bit or 16-bit division. |
What is instruction set with example in microprocessor?
Arithmetic Group
Instruction Set | Explanation | Example |
ADI data [A] ← [A] + data | Add immediate data to accumulator | ADI 55K |
ACI data [A] ← [A] + data + [CS] | Add with carry immediate data to accumulator | ACI 55K |
DAD rp [H-L] ←[H-L] + [rp] | Add register paid to H-L pair | DAD K |
SUB r [A] ←[A]-[r] | Subtract register from accumulator | SUB K |
How many types of instructions are there?
A basic computer has three instruction code formats which are: Memory – reference instruction. Register – reference instruction. Input-Output instruction.
What are the different types of instructions?
Depending on operation they perform, all instructions are divided in several groups:
- Arithmetic Instructions.
- Branch Instructions.
- Data Transfer Instructions.
- Logic Instructions.
- Bit-oriented Instructions.