What are the Derivatives of 3 germ layers?

The somatic layer of the lateral mesoderm and the ectoderm form the embryonic body wall or somatopleure. The visceral layer of the lateral mesoderm and the endoderm form the embryonic gut tube or splanchnopleure.

What are the Derivatives of ectoderm mesoderm and endoderm?

Cells derived from the mesoderm, which lies between the endoderm and the ectoderm, give rise to all other tissues of the body, including the dermis of the skin, the heart, the muscle system, the urogenital system, the bones, and the bone marrow (and therefore the blood).

What are the Derivatives of mesoderm?

Some of the mesoderm derivatives include the muscle (smooth, cardiac and skeletal), the muscles of the tongue (occipital somites), the pharyngeal arches muscle (muscles of mastication, muscles of facial expressions), connective tissue, dermis and subcutaneous layer of the skin, bone and cartilage, dura mater.

What are different types of Derivatives of ectoderm?

Derivatives of the Ectodermal Germ Layer:

  • Central Nervous System.
  • Peripheral Nervous System.
  • Sensory Epithelium of ear, nose and eye.
  • Epidermis including hair and nails.
  • S/C glands, mammary glands, pituitary gland and enamel of teeth.

What are the Derivatives of endoderm?

Embryonic Derivatives of the Endoderm: The endoderm produces the gut tube and its derived organs, including the cecum, intestine, stomach, thymus, liver, pancreas, lungs, thyroid and prostate.

What is the derivative of endoderm?

What are the derivatives of endoderm?

What is derived from embryonic endoderm?

The function of the embryonic endoderm is to construct the linings of two tubes within the body. The first tube, extending throughout the length of the body, is the digestive tube. Buds from this tube form the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.

What is ectoderm endoderm mesoderm?

The ectoderm gives rise to the skin and the nervous system. The mesoderm specifies the development of several cell types such as bone, muscle, and connective tissue. Cells in the endoderm layer become the linings of the digestive and respiratory system, and form organs such as the liver and pancreas.