What are the dangers of hoverboards?

Shortly after their debut, several manufacturers started selling hoverboards that were not inspected for quality or safety. News reports revealed potential hoverboard dangers — motorized boards spontaneously overheating, catching fire and causing burns.

Do all hoverboards explode?

Nearly all hoverboards use lithium-ion batteries because they are small, but store a lot of power. Unfortunately, they are also prone to overheating and explosions.

How to prevent hoverboards from catching fire?

The best way to avoid having a hoverboard explode or catch fire is to avoid buying models that don’t feature UL-certification. This third-party agency created standards that ensure the lithium-ion battery and other components are designed with safety protocols in place to prevent explosions from occurring.

What age is safe for a hoverboard?

However, the recommended age we give for children is 8 and upwards and any age under 18 should really be accompanied by an adult when using the device. But by law there is no actual age limit for anybody to step foot and use and electric hoverboard Product.

What age is a hoverboard suitable for?

Kids Hoverboard Comparison Chart

Product Best Recommended age
Tomoloo Music-Rhythmed Hoverboard Overall Pick 8 yrs and up
Sisigad Hoverboard Self-Balancing Scooter Girls 12 yrs and up
Uni-Sun Hoverboard Boys 14 – 17 yrs old
Gyroor Warrior Off-Road Hoverboard Off-Road 14 yrs and up

How can you make hoverboards safer?

Wearing safety gear is one of the most important steps you can take to stay safe on a hoverboard….Here are some other safety tips to keep in mind.

  1. Practice in a controlled environment. It can take a while to get comfortable riding a hoverboard.
  2. Know the rules of the road.
  3. Don’t ride distracted.

What age is appropriate for a hoverboard?

Are hoverboards CPSC compliant?

Hoverboards Information Center. CPSC recommends that consumers who own or use hoverboards take these steps to reduce the risk of fire. Hoverboards should be compliant with the UL2272 safety standard.

What should you do if your hoverboard is recalled?

Stop using a recalled hoverboard immediately and contact the manufacturer for the remedy. Only charge a hoverboard when you are there to watch it. Have working smoke alarms on every level of your home, outside sleeping areas and inside each bedroom.

Is my hoverboard ul2272 compliant?

Hoverboards should be compliant with the UL2272 safety standard. However, even UL2272 compliance cannot guarantee that a hoverboard will not overheat or catch on fire.

How many hoverboards have caused fires?

CPSC is aware of more than 250 hoverboard incidents related to fires or overheating since 2015. In March 2017, a 2-year-old girl and a 10-year-old girl died in a house fire ignited by a hoverboard in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.