What are the courses in ICCT Colleges?

Bachelor / Degree Programs

College of Arts & Sciences
BSA Bachelor of Sciences in Accountancy (3yrs+)
BSMA Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting* (3yrs+)
BSREM Bachelor of Science in Real Estate Management* (3yrs+)
BSIA Bachelor of Science in Internal Auditing* (3yrs+)

How much is the tuition fee in Icct?

Bachelor’s programs offered at ICCT Colleges Cainta

Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary
X close BS in Public Safety Duration: 4 years Admission requirements: Tuition Fees: P 5,000-11,500 per trimester P 15,000-35,000 per year Last updated: November 2018
BS in Computer Engineering Details >

How do you describe Icct college?

ICCT Colleges Foundation Inc., simply known as ICCT Colleges, is a tertiary education institution with campuses in the Rizal, Philippines. In Rizal, it has campuses in the municipalities of Cainta, Sumulong Highway (Cainta), San Mateo, Cogeo, Antipolo, Taytay, Binangonan and Angono.

Is Icct under CHED?

ICCT Colleges exists under the law of the Republic of the Philippines and offers courses that are accredited by Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and as well as industry accredited certificates.

Is ICCT is a good school?

I highly recommend ICCT, Great Facilities, Good teachers, and a unique quality of education. its a great way of learning things around! like how they treat the students. Richjohn Pacifico recommends ICCT Colleges Taytay Satellite Campus.

What is a Bachelor of Arts in English?

The Bachelor of Arts in English provides a strong background in the study of English. The program stresses literary analysis, diversity, critical thinking, and written and oral communication skills through a rigorous curriculum of literature, composition, language and linguistics, and communication studies.

How do I pay my Icct tuition fee?

Direct Bank Payments from abroad available through BPI (Bank of the Philippine Islands) Account Name: ICCT Colleges Foundation Inc., to get account number please email: [email protected] and provide name of student and student ID no.; email back deposit slip for confirmation after the transaction.

How much is the tuition fee in OLFU?

College and Transferees – Tuition fees start at Php 22K per semester. College of Medicine – Tuition fees start at Php 110k per semester. Graduate School – Tuition fees cost Php1,912 per unit.

When was ICCT Colleges established?

Institute of Creative Computer Technology, or better known as the ICCT Colleges, was established in 1994 to provide computer technology subjects to the people of Rizal.

Is Icct accredited?

ICCT Colleges exists under the law of the Republic of the Philippines and offers courses that are accredited by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Department of Education (DepEd) and as well as Industry Accredited Certificates.