What are the consequences of excessive mining in an area?

Across the world, mining contributes to erosion, sinkholes, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, significant use of water resources, dammed rivers and ponded waters, wastewater disposal issues, acid mine drainage and contamination of soil, ground and surface water, all of which can lead to health issues in local …

What would happen if we stopped mining?

Automobiles, both gas and electric would disappear. 27 States would lose 25% of their electricity output. No nails to hammer projects home. No more high rises, bridges, airplanes, trains, or space exploration.

What university is conducting a research experiment on how surface mining has affected West Virginia?

Yale Environment 360: In areas of West Virginia where mountaintop removal mining takes place, as much as 10 percent of the landscape has been leveled. How did it come to be so widely practiced? Michael Hendryx: Mountaintop removal is a form of surface coal mining.

What problems do miners face?

An irreversible, disabling form of this disease called silicosis can occur when a miner inhales excessive amounts of crystalline silica, or quartz. Black lung disease, which can strike coal miners, is another form. Pneumoconiosis can cause scarring of the lungs called fibrosis.

How does mining damage the environment and communities?

Mining often uses large amounts of water and can pollute rivers, streams, groundwater and other sources of water for the community. Mining may also make it difficult for a community to produce its own food by taking up agricultural or grazing land or by polluting the soil or air.

What are the pros and cons of mining?

Top 10 Mining Pros & Cons – Summary List

Mining Pros Mining Cons
Higher tax income for governments Habitat destruction
Mining is crucial for technological progress Biodiversity loss
Mining is a mature technology Endangerment of species
Processes around mining are quite efficient Mining can lead to ecological imbalance

What was one consequence of mining the land by drilling?

Drilling and mining practices take a substantial toll on local water sources, biologic life and natural resources through pollution, degradation and direct damage.

How does mining positively and negatively impact local communities?

Mining can impact local communities both positively and negatively. While positive impacts such as employment and community development projects are important, they do not off-set the potential negatives. We have found mining can negatively affect people by: forcing them from their homes and land.

Why is strip mining considered one of the most harmful to the environment?

Strip mining eliminates existing vegetation and alters the soil profile, or the natural soil layers. Mining disturbs and may even destroy the beneficial micro-organisms in the topsoil. Soil also may be damaged if reclamation operations mix the topsoil with subsoils, diluting matter in the surface soil.

How does mining affect people’s lives?

Mining affects people’s health directly, when people work in dangerous conditions and are exposed to toxic chemicals . It also affects people’s health through the social problems it brings . Mining towns and camps develop quickly, with little planning or care . This usually causes many problems .