What are the components of graceful aging?

Under this approach, having strong social connections and pursuing fun activities are important components of graceful aging. It isn’t necessarily how well we hide the outward signs of growing older, but how we approach the activities in our daily lives that makes a difference.

What is another word of gracefully?

In this page you can discover 49 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for gracefully, like: elegantly, harmoniously, smoothly, delicately, beautifully, lithely, agilely, exquisitely, pleasingly, neatly and nimbly.

What words describe graceful?


  • elegant, stylish, tasteful, refined, sophisticated, dignified, distinguished, discerning, with good taste, poised.
  • fashionable, cultured, cultivated, beautiful, attractive, appealing, lovely, comely.
  • charming, polished, suave, urbane, dashing.
  • luxurious, sumptuous, opulent, grand, plush, exquisite.

What can I say instead of getting older?

Part of speech:

  • getting up in years.
  • aging. (Euphemistic) Elderly person.
  • senescent. No longer dividing.
  • maturing. Present participle of mature.
  • wearing-out. Present participle of wear out.
  • wilting. Present participle of wilt.
  • seasoning. Present participle of season.
  • not as young as one used to be.

What are the 5 components of successful aging?

Its components include zest, resolution and fortitude, happiness, relationships between desired and achieved goals, self concept, morale, mood, and overall wellbeing. Continued social functioning is another commonly proposed domain of successful ageing.

What are the three components of successful aging?

We define successful aging as including three main components: low probability of disease and disease-related disability, high cognitive and physi- cal functional capacity, and active engagement with life.

How do you describe a graceful person?

Someone or something that is graceful moves in a smooth and controlled way that is attractive to watch. His movements were so graceful they seemed effortless. Synonyms: elegant, easy, flowing, smooth More Synonyms of graceful.

What is the adverb of graceful?

gracefully adverb
gracefully adverb (MOVEMENT) in a smooth, relaxed, attractive way: He gracefully skis down the slopes.

What is a graceful girl called?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for GRACEFUL GIRL [sylph]

What is the scientific word for aging?

Gerontology, the study of the aging process, is devoted to the understanding and control of all factors contributing to the finitude of individual life.

What is positive aging?

The concept of positive ageing is about making the most of the benefits of being old and keeping a good attitude about life. It is about keeping a positive growth mindset throughout older age just like any other phase of life, regardless of challenges or opportunities.