What are the components of DRA?
What are the components of DRA?
Determine each student’s independent or instructional reading level with an evaluation of three components of reading: reading engagement, oral reading fluency, and comprehension.
How do I do a DRA reading assessment?
Student teachers may be trained to give the DRA with certified staff supervision only. Introduce the story reading the introduction exactly as listed. Ask student for a prediction. Ask students to read the passage and remind them they will be asked to retell the story when they finish reading it.
What does DRA measure in reading?
The DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) is an individualized reading assessment that enables teachers to evaluate growth in student reading performance over time. The DRA helps teachers to identify students’ independent reading level by assessing students’ oral reading fluency and comprehension.
How much does DRA cost?
The Driver Responsibility Assessment (DRA) is a mandatory payment of $100.00 each year for three years to New York State, if a driver’s point total is 6 points or over in an eighteen month period.
How can I improve my child’s DRA?
10 Tips From Teachers to Help Your Child Catch Up on Reading…
- Identify the Signs. Knowing and recognizing when your child is struggling is the first step to remedying the problem.
- Ask Questions.
- Understand Reading Levels.
- Come Up With a Routine.
- Be Consistent.
- Find Their Interests.
- Bond Over Reading.
- Find the Right Match.
What are DRA books?
The Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) is a series of leveled books and recording sheets designed to allow teachers to determine students’ reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension levels. Texts range from A-80 (A being the easiest).
How often should the DRA be administered?
The DRA is designed to be given ONCE at each sitting. The ONLY time a student should be given a second DRA within a trimester is IF THE STUDENT SCORED LITTLE comprehension (K-3) or INTERVENTION (4-8).
How do you find the DRA level of a book?
Finding the reading levels/measures is as easy as scanning the ISBN on the back of your book. Within seconds, you will be viewing the Guided Reading (GR), DRA, Grade Level Equivalent (GLE), and/or Lexile levels/measures for your books.
What DRA level should a 1st grader be at?
In the fall, first graders typically independently read at a Level 4. By the end of first grade, a typical first grader will independently read at Level 16. It is important to note that some students may have DRA scores that are above or below the grade-level expectation.
What kind of assessment is the DRA?
​Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) The DRA is an individually administered assessment of student reading proficiency. The DRA allows teachers to determine each student’s instructional level for reading and provides a method for evaluating their individual reading growth over time.