What are the components of bhakti yoga?

There are two types of Bhakti: Apara Bhakti – egoistic love….In the Bhakti Sutras, Sage Narada describes nine elements of Bhakti Yoga:

  • Satsang – good spiritual company.
  • Hari Katha – to hear and read about God.
  • Shraddha – Faith.
  • Ishvara Bhajana – to sing the praises of God.
  • Mantra Japa – Repetition of God’s name.

What are the main practices of bhakti yoga?

9 principles of Bhakti yoga

  • Svarana (listening) Svarana involves listening to ancient scriptures, poems, or stories, especially those told by a Saint (aka Bhakta).
  • Kirtana (singing)
  • Smarana (remembering)
  • Padasevana (service)
  • Archana (ritual worship)
  • Vandana (prayer)
  • Dasya (unquestioning)
  • Sakhya (friendship)

What is bhakti yoga focus?

Bhakti yoga (Sanskrit: भक्ति योग), also called Bhakti marga (भक्ति मार्ग, literally the path of Bhakti), is a spiritual path or spiritual practice within Hinduism focused on loving devotion towards any personal deity.

Is Bhakti a school of yoga?

Bhakti Yogshala Rishikesh Bhakti Yogshala (Yoga School) is a prominent name for yoga teacher training in Rishikesh; the world capital of Yoga. “Bhakti” is a Sanskrit word derived from the root “Bhaj”, which resembles means of “Devotion, Worship and Partake” and “Yogshala” simply means “Place of Yoga or School of Yoga”.

How many types of Bhakti yoga are there?

nine forms
The Navaratnamalika (garland of nine gems), nine forms of bhakti are listed: (1) śravaṇa (listening to ancient texts), (2) kīrtana (praying), (3) smaraṇa (remembering teachings in ancient texts), (4) pāda-sevana (service to the feet), (5) archana (worshiping), (6) namaskar or vandana (bowing to the divine), (7) dāsya ( …

How many types of Bhakti Yoga are there?

What is the benefits of Bhakti Yoga?

It diminishes your identity and wards off you from negative feelings like an annoyance, a sense of self, and presumption. It gives you knowledge and peace. You feel blissful and joyous with the help of Bhakti Yoga.

What are the 6 pillars of Bhakti Yoga?

The 6 Pillars of Bhakti Yoga

  • Do not criticize: Criticism is us trying to correct the world, and it generally serves as a smoke-screen that we use to avoid working on our own problems.
  • Be tolerant:
  • Take no offense:
  • Be quick to apologize:
  • See the good in others:
  • Be grateful and keep a tally of your blessings:

What are the 7 schools of yoga?

Today’ssix main schools of yoga out of numerous are:

  • Hatha Yoga- or yoga of postures.
  • Raja Yoga- or yoga of self-control.
  • Kundelini Yoga- yoga of energy.
  • Karma Yoga- yoga of mind.
  • Jnana yoga-yoga of mind.
  • Bhakti yoga- Yoga of devotion.

How many types of bhakti yoga are there?

What are the 9 forms of devotion?

These are, shravana, kirtana, smarana, pada-sevana, archana, vandana, dasya, sakhya and atma-nivedana. Shravana is listening to the divine name, the lila’s or sports of the Lord, the stories of saints, as these may orient one’s mind towards spirituality.
