What are the components of a behind the ear hearing aid?

Together, they make sounds louder and clearer for the wearer.

  • Microphone. The hearing aid microphone picks up sounds from the surrounding environment and converts them into electrical signals.
  • Amplifier.
  • Receiver.
  • Battery.

Where is the receiver in a behind the ear hearing aid?

In behind-the-ear hearing aids, the speaker is inside the hard case along with the other electronic components. Receiver-in-the-canal hearing aids, on the other hand, place the speaker at the end of a thin electrical wire connected to the case.

What is the tail for on a hearing aid?

The tail helps keep the hearing aid from coming out of your ear, and also assists in making the hearing aid easier to remove.

How do you replace hearing aid domes?

How to Change Hearing Aid Domes?

  1. Firmly grasp the speaker/thin tube and pull off the old earpiece.
  2. With the new dome in your hand, place it exactly in the middle of the ear piece.
  3. Push the new dome firmly to make sure it’s securely fastened.

What are the pieces of a hearing aid?

A hearing aid has three basic parts: a microphone, amplifier, and speaker. The hearing aid receives sound through a microphone, which converts the sound waves to electrical signals and sends them to an amplifier. The amplifier increases the power of the signals and then sends them to the ear through a speaker.

What are the two buttons on my hearing aid?

Most hearing aids that this department issues have a volume control and a program selection button. The button allows you to change to way the hearing aid operates for using in different situations, for example using in noisy situations or where there is a loop system.

What is the difference between RIC and BTE?

RIC hearing aids is the location of the speaker (or receiver). In Behind-the-Ear hearing aids, the speaker is inside the hard case along with the other electronic components. Receiver-in-the-Canal hearing aids, on the other hand, place the speaker at the end of a thin electrical wire connected to the case.

What is the difference between hearing aid domes?

Open domes are generally ideal for people with mild to moderate hearing loss. Closed domes block more of the ear canal than an open dome, and help amplify low frequency sounds. These often work best for those with moderate hearing loss.

What is a retention wire on a hearing aid?

Retention locks are the tails that are connected to the end of your hearing aid receiver and loop around the concha (bowl) of your ear.