What are the characteristic features for an ideal restorer line?
What are the characteristic features for an ideal restorer line?
[14] identified R899 as an earlymaturing restorer line. Its characteristics include desirable agronomic traits, strong restoring ability, strong resistance to rice blast, fine grain quality and high hybrid seed yield.
What is meant by restorer line?
Restorer line is used to restore the fertility in hybrid after crossing with ms A line in hybrid production plot (Fig. 5.6). Availability of fertility restorer sources in sorghum made it easy to develop hybrids and to commercially use the CMS source in producing fertile hybrid seeds.
How do you develop a CMS line?
The stable CMS lines could be developed by selecting the maintainer plants that are tolerant to temperature fluctuations, by eliminating the modifier gene(s) through maintainer plant selection and by screening the progeny under low temperature conditions for maximum expression of the trait (Gniffke et al. 2009).
What is CMS line?
Three-line system, which is composed by three different breeding lines: the cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) line (A line), the maintainer line (B line), and the restorer line (R line), is a main system in hybrid rice production.
What are the types of male infertility?
(3) Cytoplasmic genetic male sterility. There are two other types, viz., chemical induced male sterility, and transgenic male sterility. Almost all crop plants possess male sterility if investigated property.
What is CMS plant breeding?
Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), a condition under which a plant is unable to produce functional pollen, is widespread among higher plants. CMS systems represent a valuable tool in the production of hybrid seed in self-pollinating crop species, including maize, rice, cotton, and a number of vegetable crops.
How do I keep my male line sterile?
The male sterile line is maintained by crossing it with pollinator strain used as a recurrent parent in backcross, since the nuclear genotype of the pollinator is identical with that of the new male sterile line.
How is R line maintained?
Rouging: Roughing should be done in both male and female parental lines. Remove all the offtype and volunteer plants from both male and female parental line. parental line. Harvesting and threshing : Harvest the male row first and remove them from the field so a to avoid mechanical mixtures.
What is fertility restoration?
Fertility Restoration Is Associated with Loss of a Portion of the Mitochondrial Genome in Cytoplasmic Male-Sterile Common Bean. | The Plant Cell | Oxford Academic.
How are GMS lines maintained?
GMS lines is maintained by sibmating between fertile and sterile plants. The pollination is done by hand. The identification of sterile plants is easy by trained eyes and thus 50% plant population is to be rogued out.
What is it called when a male Cannot reproduce?
Impotence, otherwise known as erectile dysfunction (ED), refers to trouble getting or maintaining an erection. This can make it difficult or impossible to have intercourse. Sterility, also called infertility, refers to an inability to produce or release sperm.