What are the channels in Virginia?

The Channels Natural Area Preserve is a 721-acre Natural Area Preserve located just 45 minutes from Abingdon, VA. A 3-mile hike in on an old logging road brings you to the Great Channels of Virginia, impressive formations of 400-million-year-old sandstone outcroppings.

How do you get to the great channels of Virginia?

Directions to The Great Channels From Abingdon’s exit 19, take Hillman Highway towards Meadowview, then follow curvy Rte. 80 north to the small parking area at the Washington/Russell County line. For more detailed directions, see the embedded map below. Walk through the gate and up the fire road from the parking area.

How long is the channels VA?

The Great Channels Natural Area Preserve is one of Virginia’s most geologically fascinating areas. This 6.6 mile out-and-back takes you down into a network of maze-like crevices formed in soft sandstone. For a more detailed description go to Virginia Trail Guide’s site.

Where is Rhododendron Trail Virginia?

Grayson Highlands State Park
The Rhododendron Trail at Grayson Highlands State Park in Mouth of Wilson, Virginia is one of the most popular hikes at the park because the trail leads to one of the most populated areas for viewing the Grayson Highlands wild ponies.

Are there any canyons in Virginia?

The park is glorious; it’s marked with an abundance of nature, bountiful hills, and sweeping canyons. The centerpiece of “The Breaks” is a five-mile, 1,650-foot-deep gorge that’s commonly referred to as the Grand Canyon of the South, and even the Grand Canyon of Virginia.

What town is McAfee Knob in?

Roanoke, Virginia
The hike to McAfee knob is located near Roanoke, Virginia. It’s an eight mile round trip hike to McAfee Knob and back, taking approximately four hours. Described as moderately strenuous, it is a slow and steady uphill walk up the Catawba mountain to the final viewpoint.

What is the difference between a box canyon and a slot canyon?

Canyons within mountains, or gorges that have an opening on only one side, are called box canyons. Slot canyons are very narrow canyons that often have smooth walls.