What are the branches of the Thoracoacromial trunk?

Branches and supply The thoracoacromial artery gives off four branches to supply the muscles and skin of the pectoral region; the pectoral, deltoid, clavicular and acromial branches.

What is the Thoracoacromial trunk?

The thoracoacromial artery (acromiothoracic artery; thoracic axis) is a short trunk that arises from the second part of the axillary artery, its origin being generally overlapped by the upper edge of the pectoralis minor.

How do you remember the axillary artery branches?

Useful mnemonics to remember the branches of the axillary artery are:

  1. S AL SAP.
  2. Screw the lawyer, save a patient!

How many branches of thoracoacromial artery are there?

four branches
The thoracoacromial artery pierces the clavipectoral fascia and gives off its four branches.

What is the clavipectoral fascia?

The clavipectoral fascia (costocoracoid membrane; coracoclavicular fascia) is a strong fascia situated under cover of the clavicular portion of the pectoralis major. It occupies the interval between the pectoralis minor and subclavius, and protects the axillary vessels and nerves.

What is supplied by the thoracoacromial artery?

Supply. Through its four main branches, the thoracoacromial artery contributes arterial supply to the pectoralis major and minor muscles, the anterior part of the deltoid muscle, and the clavipectoral fascia 2.

How do you remember the subclavian?

Helpful mnemonics to remember the branches of the subclavian artery include: Very Indignant Tired Individuals Sip Tasty Almond Coffee Served Double Daily.

How do I remember the branches of the brachial plexus?

Mnemonics for brachial plexus root subdivisions include:

  1. Rad Techs Drink Cold Beer.
  2. Robbie T Drinks Cold Beer.
  3. Rugby Teams Drink Cold Beers.
  4. Reach To Drink Cold Beer.
  5. Read That Damn Cadaver Book.
  6. Really Tired, Don’t Care Now (nerve instead of branch)
  7. Red Toucans Don’t Come Back.

What is Infraclavicular fossa?

[ ĭn′frə-klə-vĭk′yə-lər ] n. A triangular depression bounded by the clavicle and the adjacent borders of the deltoid and greater pectoral muscles. infraclavicular triangle.

What is Deltopectoral groove?

The deltopectoral groove is an indentation in the muscular structure between the deltoid muscle and pectoralis major. Deltopectoral groove. Deltoid muscle. Pectoralis major. TA2.

What is in the deltopectoral triangle?

The deltopectoral triangle is a triangular depression formed between the clavicle above, lateral border of the pectoralis major medially and the medial border of the deltoid laterally. This narrow triangular area contains investing layers of the clavipectoral fascia and the cephalic vein on its roof which it pierces.