What are the benefits of being a NEA member?

Top Ten Reasons to Join NEA

  • Have a voice at the table.
  • Earn increased pay and benefits.
  • Grow in your professional practice.
  • Be supported by a nation-wide community of educators.
  • Carry out a commitment to social justice.
  • See improved working and student learning conditions at your worksite.

Is NEA members Insurance Trust legitimate?

All NEA member policies are issued by Prudential, a major insurance company. Prudential is licensed in all 50 states and has been in operation since 1875.

What is a NEA member?

California. Active Professional/Certified. For individuals employed in public education in a certified position in a public school district or institution of higher learning or whose job is primarily education.

Can I keep my Nea life insurance after I retire?

As long as you remain an NEA member and continue to pay your premiums when they are due, your coverage will remain in effect even if you change schools or retire.

How much does NEA cost?

For those faculty whose teaching assignment is more than 60% NEA Dues $ 200.00 of a normal assignment except for faculty employed as pre-school, CTA (State) Dues $ 737.00 head start, child care, and adult education teachers, whose salaries TRUE (Local) Dues $ 262.50 are less than the minimum teacher salary for their …

What is the purpose of NEA?

Our mission is to advocate for education professionals and to unite our members and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world. These principles guide our work and define our mission: Equal Opportunity.

What is a group term life insurance?

Group term life insurance is an insurance policy offered to all members of a group. The group usually is employees of a particular company, but it may also be members of another type of group, such as a membership association or labor union. Employers often provide group term life insurance as an employee benefit.

What is Nea life?

NEA Complimentary Life Insurance is life and AD&D insurance guaranteed to active, staff, reserve and life members at no cost to you. Student members are not covered. Coverage is automatic; however, members are encouraged to register a beneficiary with NEA Member Benefits.

What is an NEA?

What is NEA? NEA stands for Non-Examination Assessment most people would still consider it to be coursework and often call it “coursework”. You prepare for and work on the NEA throughout your course but your final essay must be fully submitted by the 31st of March in the year you are sitting your examination.

How much is NEA complimentary life?

Beginning January 1, 2021, the NEA Members Insurance Trust has modified the program so that any NEA member who is in the program and whose death occurs any time after January 1, 2021 will receive the full $1,000 death benefit, regardless of the number of years that the member has been an NEA member.

What is NEA retired?

NEA-Retired works to meet the needs of retired education employees. We work with active NEA members to: Protect and improve retirement pension, and health benefits—including state pensions, Social Security, and Medicare.

What issues does the NEA support?

The Federal Education Association, an NEA affiliate, advocates for employee rights and quality learning environments in Department of Defense schools serving military-connected students with unique challenges such as parental deployments and frequent moves.