What are the abbreviations for baseball stats?

Batting Abbreviations

  • 1B or S – Singles.
  • 2B – Doubles.
  • 3B – Triples.
  • AB – At Bats.
  • AB/HR – At Bats per Home Run.
  • AO – Fly Outs (Air)
  • BA or AVG – Batting average.
  • BB – Bases on Balls (Walks)

What does C mean in fielding stats?

SB: Stolen bases allowed. CS: Runners caught stealing. SB%: Opponent stolen base percentage.

What does OPS mean in baseball stats?

Definition. OPS adds on-base percentage and slugging percentage to get one number that unites the two. It’s meant to combine how well a hitter can reach base, with how well he can hit for average and for power.

What is a good OPS in baseball?

An OPS of . 800 or higher in Major League Baseball puts the player in the upper echelon of hitters. Typically, the league leader in OPS will score near, and sometimes above, the 1.000 mark.

What does IBB mean in baseball?

Intentional Walk
Intentional Walk (IBB) Left On Base (LOB)

How do you read pitching stats?

Earned run average is one of those stats where the lower it is, the better the pitcher. A pitcher’s ERA is calculated by the number of earned runs they’ve allowed (ER), divided by the number of innings pitched (IP) multiplied by 9 (the traditional inning length of a game).

What does C stand for in baseball stats?

Heading Explanation
SB Stolen Bases
CS Caught Stealing
SB% Stolen Base Percentage
QS% Quality Start Percentage

What does CS mean in softball stats?

Caught Stealing
Caught Stealing (CS)

How do I calculate OPS in baseball?

On-base plus slugging, or OPS, is a baseball statistic which is calculated as the sum of a player’s on-base percentage and slugging percentage.

Who has the highest OPS in baseball?

Babe Ruth
Babe Ruth is the all-time leader with a career 1.1636 OPS.

Is OPS better than batting average?

It’s all in the name of bringing fans statistics that tell much more about a player than batting average while sticking to numbers that easily can be calculated by those who remember their grade-school arithmetic. OBP, SLG and OPS correlate to team runs better than batting average does.

Who has the best OPS in baseball?

Babe Ruth is the all-time leader with a career 1.1636 OPS.