What are the 8 confluent points in acupuncture?
What are the 8 confluent points in acupuncture?
They are also called the intersection, meeting, command, opening, master, and the flowing and pooling points of the eight extraordinary vessels.
What are extraordinary points?
Extraordinary points are non-meridian points not located within the 12 main meridians. This chart contains 64 extraordinary points with point location and indications for each point. Easy to use chart, helpfull when conditions are just not responding to treatment of the main meridian points.
What are the extraordinary channels?
The Four Primary Extraordinary Channels (Penetrating, Central, Governing and Girdle Vessels) play a significant role in regulating the flow of Chi and Blood in the Twelve Bilateral Meridians and their underlying Secondary Channels.
Which vessels are included in the eight extra meridians?
The specific meridians belonging to the “Eight Extras” family are:
- Du Mai (Governing Vessel)
- Ren Mai (Conception Vessel)
- Chong Mai (Penetrating Vessel)
- Dai Mai (Belt Channel)
- Yang Chiao Mai (Yang Motility Channel)
- Yin Chaio Mai (Yin Motility Channel)
- Yang Wei Mai (Yang Regulating Channel)
What is Xi-Cleft point?
Xi-cleft points are where the meridian qi accumulates deeply and are indicated for the acute and pain disease of the respective Zang-fu organs and meridians, while the Xi-cleft points of the Yin meridians are also indicated for blood diseases [7].
What is Luo connecting point?
The Luo (connecting) points are all located below the elbow or knee, where the collaterals of the Yin meridians connect with their respective Yang meridians, and the collaterals of the Yang Meridians connect with their respective Yin meridians.
What are the 12 meridians of the body?
The 12 Major Meridians
- Lung Meridian. The lung meridian controls how energy is consumed and impacts the respiratory system.
- Large Intestine Meridian.
- Stomach Meridian.
- Heart Meridian.
- Small Intestine Meridian.
- Bladder Meridian.
- Kidney Meridian.
- Pericardium Meridian.
What do Ying spring points do?
The functions of the five-Shu points are clarified. The Jing-well point treat fullness below the heart; Ying-spring point treats body fever; Shu-stream point treats body and joints heaviness; Jing-river point treat cold and fever; and the He-sea point governs the rebel and sinking of Qi.
What is Xi cleft points?
Where is the connecting point for all yang meridians?
The Fifteen Luo (Connecting) Points. “Luoxue”, meaning to connect, is a point where a collateral starts to connect a definite pair of Yin and Yang meridians which are externally-internally related.