What are the 6 steps of the Green Cross Code?
What are the 6 steps of the Green Cross Code?
To be safe on the road you need to use the Green Cross Code.
- Think.
- Stop.
- Look and listen.
- Wait.
- Look and listen again.
- Arrive alive.
How do you use the Green Cross Code?
Knowing the Green Cross Code
- find a safe place to cross.
- stand on the pavement near the kerb.
- look all round for traffic and listen.
- if traffic is coming – let it pass then look all round again.
- when there is no traffic near, walk straight across the road.
- keep looking and listening for traffic while crossing.
What is the Green Cross Code in teaching?
The Green Cross Code is a procedure that helps people cross the road safely. Children are taught to follow step-by-step instructions so that they find the safest place to cross, look and listen for cars, wait until it’s safe to cross and, ultimately, get to the other side of the road in safety.
Who was the Green Cross Code man?
Dave Prowse
The ‘Green Cross Code Man’ was famously played by Dave Prowse, the man who later starred as Darth Vader in the original Star Wars movies. Designed to bring the Green Cross Code “to life”, Prowse a 6’7″ tall, body builder and former Mr Universe became the road safety superhero character for 14 years.
What is the first thing you do in the Green Cross Code?
(First find a) Safe (place to cross, then stop) (Stand on the) Pavement (near the kerb) Look (all round for traffic and listen) If (traffic is coming, let it pass)
What does the Green Cross mean?
Green Cross is a symbol of nature and life. To represent life in a spiritual sense there is no more suitable colour than green. Generally today, a green cross has a secular meaning and the most common use is health care. In particular, the green cross represents First Aid.
Why was the Green Cross Code introduced?
The Green Cross Code was created to raise awareness of pedestrian road safety in the United Kingdom sponsored by the British Government’s Central Office of Information for the Department of the Environment.
What is the Green Cross Code in vocabulary?
Green Cross Code in British English noun. (in Britain) a code for children giving rules for road safety: first issued in 1971.
What are 4 E’s to prevent accidents?
4 E’s Road Safety :- The main thrust of accident prevention and control across the world has been on 4 E’s vis (i) Education; (ii) Enforcement; (iii) Engineering; and (iv) Environment and Emergency care of road accident victims.
What is the symbol of first aid called?
Although commonly associated with first aid, the symbol of a red cross is an official protective symbol of the Red Cross.