What are the 5 attribute of God?
What are the 5 attribute of God?
The Westminster Shorter Catechism’s definition of God is an enumeration of his attributes: “God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.” This answer has been criticised, however, as having “nothing specifically Christian about it.” The …
What are the 4 divine attributes of God?
Abstract Focusing on God’s essential attributes of omnipotence, omniscience, being eternal and omnipres- ent, being a creator and sustainer, and being a person, I examine how far recent discussion has been able to provide for each of these divine attributes a consistent interpretation.
What are God’s invisible attributes?
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” But when I think about some of the things on Earth that seem heaven sent, that God has allowed me to enjoy, I wonder if …
What are attributes give examples?
An attribute is defined as a quality or characteristic of a person, place, or thing. Real life individuals and fictional characters possess various attributes. For example, someone might be labeled beautiful, charming, funny, or intelligent.
What is the main characteristic of God?
In Western (Christian) thought, God is traditionally described as a being that possesses at least three necessary properties: omniscience (all-knowing), omnipotence (all-powerful), and omnibenevolence (supremely good). In other words, God knows everything, has the power to do anything, and is perfectly good.
What is God’s divine nature?
Through the Atonement, we can ultimately become like our Heavenly Father if we keep our covenants. To become more like Him means to take on His nature—the divine nature. Associated with this divine nature are certain spiritual attributes, which we can pray to obtain and strive to possess.
What are strongest attributes?
What are strong character traits?
- Tenacious.
- Confident.
- Optimistic.
- Self-aware.
- Adaptable.
- Flexible.
- Drama-free.
- Reliable.
What are positive attributes?
Positive Attributes
Achiever | Exciting | Sensible |
Cheerful | Generous | Solid |
Consistent | Genuine | Sporty |
Cooperative | Helpful | Thoughtful |
Courageous | Insightful | Trustworthy |
What is good attribute?
Good character includes traits like loyalty, honesty, courage, integrity, fortitude, and other important virtues that promote good behavior. A person with good character chooses to do the right thing because he or she believes it is the morally right to do so.