What are the 4th declension endings in Latin?
What are the 4th declension endings in Latin?
Latin words of the fourth declension are generally masculines or, less commonly, feminines in -us and neuters in -ū. The genitive is in -ūs. The dative-ablative plural -ibus may appear less commonly as -ubus.
What nouns do belong to the 4 declension?
A few 4th declension nouns appear unchanged in English: status, sinus, census, consensus, hiatus, apparatus. If you should want to pluralize any of these words in English, and you mean to follow Latin practice, you will not change the word in spelling—the Latin plural of census is census.
What are the Latin noun endings?
Accusative singular for masculine and feminine nouns always ends in ‘-m’; accusative plural for masculine and feminine nouns always ends in ‘-s’. Genitive plural of all declensions ends in ‘-um’. Dative and ablative plurals are always the same. In the first and second declensions, the ending is usually ‘-is’.
What is a fifth declension noun?
rēbus. Gender: All 5th declension nouns are feminine, except dies, and compounds of dies, which are masculine. Dies, however, can also be feminine when it refers to a specific day: constitūtā diē, on the appointed day. Of nouns of the fifth declension, only dies and res are declined fully.
What is the noun of the III rd declension?
arbor, clamor, clangor, color, favor, fervor, honor, labor, odor, rumor, savor, vapor, vigor. error, horror, languor, liquor, pallor, squalor, stupor, terror, torpor, tremor.
How many declensions are there for Latin nouns?
five declensions
A case tells the speaker or reader what the noun does or is doing, and the declension of the noun decides how the case will look. In Latin, there are five declensions, and seven cases to use.
What is a noun declension?
As we saw, declension is when the form of a noun, pronoun, adjective, or article changes to indicate number, grammatical case, or gender. Even though different languages use declension to different degrees, the actual process is evident cross-linguistically, or across languages.
What is the 3rd declension in Latin?
The third declension is a category of nouns in Latin and Greek with broadly similar case formation — diverse stems, but similar endings. Sanskrit also has a corresponding class (although not commonly termed as third), in which the so-called basic case endings are applied very regularly.