What are the 4 categories of karate?

The four main karate styles are Goju-ryu, Shotokan-ryu, Wado-ryu and Shito-ryu. Each form is derived in some way from the karate established by Gichin Funakoshi. Each one has its own techniques that rely heavily on the core tenets of karate in general.

Which style of karate is most popular?

Shōtōkan Karate
Shōtōkan Karate is the most popular style in the world (80% of karate federation members practice this style in France). On an international level, the World Karate Federation (WKF) recognizes four schools of karate: Gōjū-ryū, Shitō-ryū, Shōtōkan, and Wadō-ryū.

How many different styles of karate are there?

There are over 75 style of Karate, the four prominent among them being Shotokan, Shito-ryu, Wado-ryu, and Goju-ryu. Of these, the first three styles originated in Okinawa’s Shuri region while Goju-ryu originated in the Naha province.

Is Goju-ryu better than Shotokan?

Goju Ryu and Shotokan are both parts of a whole “path” or “entity” called karate, and they technically cannot be better or worse than the other one, however, most of the time, Goju Ryu is viewed as the more practical, powerful and useful one in real-life situations.

What fighting style is Miyagi do?

It is implied that Miyagi teaches a style of Karate called Goju-Ryu. Goju means “hard soft” (the Go is the same character as in Gosuku-Ryu and the Ju is the same as in Judo – “the Soft Way”).

What style is Cobra Kai?

The Cobra Kai Karate style does have its roots in Okinawan Karate, branching out from a prominent style, called the Goju-Ryu (Goju meaning “hard soft”). Goju-Rye originated in Okinawa, and many people may not know that the Cobra Kai is not of a style, but of a school.

Is Cobra Kai or Miyagi-Do better?

Based on the above categories, Cobra Kai seems to be better than Miyagi Do. Although it is somehow more violent than Miyagi Do, it has better battle preparation, dojo, combat style, and technique. In actual fighting, non-traditional martial arts seem more beneficial than traditional ones.