What are the 36 elements on the periodic table?

The Elements, sorted by Atomic Number

Atomic Number Symbol Name
35 Br Bromine
36 Kr Krypton
37 Rb Rubidium
38 Sr Strontium

How do you remember the first 30 elements of the periodic table?

If we are talking about the first 30 elements then the periodic table starts with Hydrogen and ends at Zinc that is an element with atomic number 30. These elements can be remembered by this line: Harley Health Like Beautiful Body of Cheetah Name Opposite Falcon Nest.

How can I memorize Chemistry?

For example, a mnemonic to memorize the first elements of the periodic table is “Hi, he lies because boys can not operate fireplaces.” This translates into hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine. You could choose other words to stand for the letters.

What grade do you have to memorize the periodic table?

In many school districts, the periodic table is first taught as part of fifth-grade science. This is primarily an introduction to the periodic table and the elements, which students study in more depth in later grades.

What is the easiest way to learn the elements from 1 20?

Silly Patrick Stays Close. Arthur Kisses Carrie. Here He Lies Beneath Bed Clothes, Nothing On, Feeling Nervous, Naughty Margret Always Sighs, ” Please Stop Clowning Around ” (18 elements)…

  1. Hydrogen -H.
  2. Helium -He.
  3. Lithium -Li.
  4. Beryllium -Be.
  5. Boron -B.
  6. Carbon -C.
  7. Nitrogen -N.
  8. Oxygen -O.

Is there a mnemonic for the periodic table?

Mnemonic Device: Happy Henry Lives Beside Boron Cottage, Near Our Friend Nelly Nancy MgAllen. Silly Patrick Stays Close.